Libra Horoscope May 2022

planets, Libra horoscope

Jupiter On The Move

Jupiter’s change of star sign is one of the biggest events this month. The planet of opportunity enters your opposite star sign Aries on the 11th. Aries is your relationship sector, both personal and professional. 

It takes Jupiter twelve years to circuit the zodiac and spends approximately one year in each star sign. Jupiter is the free spirit, the pleasure merchant and wants to play big and soar high. As Jupiter remains in Aries for most of the time until May 2023, this is a wonderful period to get love right and do whatever it takes to bring happiness your way. 

Plus, your planet Venus is leading the way. Venus represents relationships and will be in Aries from the 2nd to the 28th. Therefore, you’ll have the two best planets boosting your relationship sector.

This spells good news for a business partnership or any kind of one-to-one collaboration. It’s love, however, that feels special and you could be planning a wedding or second honeymoon. Note, however, that Jupiter rules liberation and freedom. Sometimes, this can present you with an opportunity to move away from a relationship or partnership that’s not working out.

Notice what happens on or around the 25th when there’s a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries and the 29th when there’s a Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Aries. Your planet Venus leaves Aries on the 28th but passion planet Mars enters Aries on the 24th so relationships remain under the cosmic radar for some time.

Jupiter’s influence often coincides with lucky opportunities or a blessing that comes your way. Know that Jupiter is about giving as well as receiving. Reach out to other people and do your bit to help others. It’s important to note that your star sign Libra loves to be part of a double act.

Pisces Vibes

As big planet Jupiter enters Aries on the 11th, it leaves Pisces and your work and health sector. Note that Jupiter will revisit Pisces in the last two months of 2022 and there’s plenty of action in this sector of your horoscope throughout May.

Firstly, there’s a major planetary aspect between Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn on the 3rd. Capricorn rules your home and family. You could be setting up a business to run from home or be considering a family collaboration. Certainly, there may be an opportunity to invest in these key areas of your life – work, home, family & health.

Also, action planet Mars remains in Pisces up until the 24th. This is where there’s been a huge wave of planetary energy since mid-February. You may have been overwhelmed with work.

Alternatively, you may have become more involved with an alternative or spiritual way of life, perhaps to boost your sense of well-being. Or, your working life’s been in flow. Make the most of Pisces’ vibes throughout May.

Mercury Retrograde

Also this month, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 10th and remains on go slow until June 3rd. Therefore, as much as you might want to leap into new beginnings, pace yourself from mid-month onwards.

Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini and your fellow air sign. Gemini rules travel and study in your horoscope. Therefore, you’re wise to get visas and paperwork sorted out for these areas before Mercury switches direction. You may have to be extra flexible if you’re travelling or studying.

Travel may not be straightforward during this period, even if you are boldly venturing out into the world. Double check everything, be willing to rethink and revise your options or catch up with travel you missed out on.

Use the Mercury retrograde phase to find inspiration and take time out from your normal routine. It could be a vivid time for dreams and journalling, learning and exploration. Explore philosophy, religion, spirituality, magic or mysticism. Find your muse. A lovely way to spend this Mercury retrograde phase is to go on retreat.

The New Moon in Gemini on the 30th could bring a turning point around travel or study and it’s a good time to start trying to push things through in readiness for Mercury turning direct on June 3rd.

Lunar Eclipse

One area of life that could prove contentious this month is money. This has a lot to do with the fact that it’s eclipse season. There was a Solar or New Moon eclipse on April 30th and this month, there’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 16th.

These eclipses are part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and complete in October 2023, potentially transforming your finances and the way you handle money. They fall in the star signs Taurus and Scorpio, the financial axis of your horoscope. It’s about money, your money and the money you share with others.

Eclipses can symbolise something coming to an end so there may be a shock around money mid-month. Perhaps, someone who’s not playing by the rules or sharing equally.

Yet, eclipses are about highs and lows. And, eclipses can bring accelerated growth. Look out for a new opportunity that comes in, a situation that you can take advantage of and do well with in the future. 

There is a shadowy feel to your astrology, however, so be careful that you don’t get involved in anything underhand. Check out there are no strings attached to a financial transaction or gift and ensure there’s transparency in all your money dealings.

Also, note that Mercury retreats back into Taurus on the 23rd where it turns direct on June 3rd. Ideally, put off making any major investments until then. The Taurus/Scorpio axis doesn’t only represent money, also sex, power, production, fertility and ownership.

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