Libra Horoscope March 2022

Libra horoscope March 2022, spring

Triple Conjunction

Your ruling planet Venus is in Capricorn, the star sign at the base of your horoscope as the month begins. Venus leaves Capricorn on the 6th but before it does so, it has to encounter Mars and Pluto on the 3rd.

This is a mighty triple conjunction bringing to a close events over the last few months. Or, perhaps even further back to the beginning of 2020. Capricorn rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. You may need to get tough around a home, family or property matter.

You may find a certain level of opposition or negativity from people close to you, so bear this in mind. Perhaps, what makes you happy doesn’t please someone else. Or, maybe you’re ready to move on from the past but other people are holding you back. Pluto’s the planet of power and control.

Yet, this doesn’t play out in one way only. There may be a theme of loss in your life. Or, you might be ready to dig deep and go all in to defend the ones you love. It does feel as if matters are peaking and you may choose to close the door and move on.

Pisces Season

At the same time as some powerful astrology in the first week of March, there’s a little bit of magic too. The Sun is in Pisces, the star sign which rules your work and lifestyle, your routine and health. There’s a New Moon in Pisces on the 2nd, a symbol of new beginnings. This would be an excellent date to apply for a job or start a new fitness or well-being routine.

This is a special New Moon because it pulls in lucky Jupiter. On the 5th, there’s a Sun-Jupiter alliance, one of the best planetary aspects of the year. Look out for a new opportunity that comes your way on or around this date. This feels abundant for you, whether you receive a gift or you hear good news about a job or your health.

Pisces is a star sign that has a lot in common with your sign Libra as you both like to give. As a Sun Libra, you may naturally believe that what you give you receive in return. The beginning of March is gorgeous for connecting with work colleagues and teaming up with other people to help or offer mutual support.

There’s also a Sun-Neptune conjunction on the 13th and this period in the month is a preview of next month’s Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th. These two big planets are co-rulers of Pisces and together, they are a symbol of universal love.

This may be an emotional time for you as there’s also a Full Moon cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac on the 18th. These two star signs are about service and surrender, learning that when you help other people you receive a huge amount in return. Focus your energy and attention on your work and health this month as the rewards could be more than worth it.

Equinox – A Fresh Start

On the 20th, it’s the Sun’s annual move into Aries the day of the Equinox. Aries is your opposite star sign and this puts the emphasis on relationships and your one-to-one connections, both personal and professional.

This is the time to turn your attention towards all form of relationships and consider how working in partnership can benefit you. This is a key theme throughout the month because of what’s happening with your ruling planet Venus.

On the 6th, Venus and Mars unite in your fellow air sign Aquarius. Aquarius is your romance sector and this could be a stand-out day for dating or a new relationship. There may be significant news regarding a child or lover.

Throughout March, the lovers of the heavens Venus and Mars, are side by side in Aquarius. There’s a theme of equality in relationships and this is something to aim for. The more attention you put on the people in your life, the more fulfilling your month ahead.

When the Sun’s in Aries, it may be important to put yourself first, especially if you’re lacking balance in a close relationship. Or, perhaps it’s time to assert yourself around other people. One of your Libra life lessons is learning to say no as you’re a people pleaser by nature. You don’t like to upset others. Consider the balance of power in your one-to-one’s and decide what you need to do to regain equilibrium.

Potential Challenges

When the Sun is in your opposite star sign, other people can help you but competitive situations may be tiring or more challenging than usual.

As the Sun rules vitality, you often have more energy when it’s in your star sign rather than at the opposite side of the zodiac. Therefore, pace yourself accordingly. Team up with people who inspire you and lift your spirits. Be wary of individuals who sap your energy or are demanding or confronting.

The period from the 19th to 22nd also looks erratic for money matters. Be wary of what you invest in on or around these key dates and don’t make any impulsive financial or emotional moves. Take your time.

At its best, this will be a time when other people fire up your life and enthusiastic individuals help you get things done. If you need some time to yourself, schedule this into your busy diary and don’t waste all your energy trying to cater for other people’s needs.

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