Relationship Clash
Relationships are under the cosmic spotlight as July begins thanks to Mars charging through Aries and your relationship sector up until the 5th. This can indicate a passionate affair or an exciting time for love. In fact, things could be positively wild.
Yet, Mars rules anger as well as passion so any liaison is likely to be tempestuous. If you’re in a relationship or married, your partner could have a lot going on, which is why they’re turbo-charged and quick to anger.
Also, Mars clashes with Pluto in Capricorn on the 2nd. This combination is combustible and an issue around home or family could flare up.
Try not to get involved in a messy situation and do your best to calm things down rather than heat things up. You may be the one who needs to step in and sort out a family row or upset. Or, it could indicate an issue with a property matter or building project.
As Mars is facing you across the zodiac, you could choose to get out of the way of trouble. If you’re a typical Libra, you tend not to like conflict. Alternatively, you could be bold and decide not to let other people get away with shoddy behaviour.
Venusian Dreams
Your ruling planet Venus is in your fellow air sign Gemini up until the 18th. Venus in Gemini is great for learning, improving your knowledge and committing to a course of study or new ideas which help to broaden your horizons.
Gemini rules travel too and you may be more than ready to spread your wings or plan some trips to new places. It’s an ideal time to allow yourself to dream.
If you’ve been feeling lost or disillusioned recently, you may be considering what next. A change in circumstances could be the trigger that allows you to reassess your lifestyle, your job or daily routine. Events on or around the 13th & 14th could prove pivotal.
Career Goals
Mid-month, Venus moves into Cancer, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope representing your career and vocation, your status and reputation. This is where there’s significant activity throughout July.
The Sun is here until the 22nd and talk planet Mercury is in Cancer from the 5th to the 19th. If you need to make a decision about your career or vocation, tune into your intuition during the Full Moon on the 13th.
This Full Moon cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your horoscope. You may need to make a tough decision regarding work that impacts your home and family. There’s a theme of endings around this Full Moon too.
The 16th could be a stand-out date for you when the Sun & Mercury align. Approach someone in a position of influence, ask for what you want or need and make new connections.
Venus’ move into Cancer on the 18th helps smooth the way. Venus remains here until mid-August. It might not bring a miracle on the work or career front, but you can start to iron things out and use your charm to benefit your future path.
Schmooze other people while Venus is in Cancer and use your network if you’re looking for work or you want or need career advice. You may be in a leading role this month and paving the way for others.
Fire Signs
This is an important month to use your connections for another reason. This is because of what’s happening in the fire sign Leo, one of the most social sectors of your horoscope. The Sun’s here from the 22nd and talk planet Mercury whizzes into Leo on the 19th.
On the one hand, this promises a social few weeks when you can get out and about and meet up with friends. Yet, it’s good for other areas of your life as well, meeting the right contacts or getting in touch with friends in high places.
Traditionally, this is a time to be on holiday but you may prefer to focus on other areas of life, especially your future path and getting ahead. Having more fun definitely falls under the Leo umbrella.
This is true for the New Moon which takes place on the 28th, an ideal date to set things in motion with a group of friends. Or, reach out to someone you haven’t heard from for some time. If you’re a typical Libra, you enjoy having a wide social circle.
Fire signs are where the activity’s at towards the end of July. For you, this puts the focus on people in your life. Big planet Jupiter is strong in Aries and your relationship sector, especially around the New Moon on the 28th. This is when friendship and love are linked.
Other potentially lucky dates for love are the 23rd & 31st. Partnership is a key theme with Jupiter in Aries and finding the right person to meet your needs.
Money Matters
Once action planet Mars leaves Aries on the 5th, it moves into Taurus and your joint finance sector where it remains until August 20th. Therefore, turn your gaze towards finances, investments and dealing with money matters. Taurus is a star sign that favours security.
However, towards the end of July, the planet Uranus is in action. Uranus is also in Taurus and this is about money for you. On the 26th, Uranus aligns with the karmic north node in Taurus which can signify the wheel of destiny turning. Change could happen and fast.
Keep close tabs on expenses or outgoings at the end of the month, be open to new opportunities and try and keep things flexible. There’s a sense that you may be buying your freedom in some shape or form.
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