Libra Horoscope February 2023

Libra horoscope, boat at sunset

As you move into February, consider what’s coming to an end before you move ahead. Talk planet Mercury was retrograde in Capricorn and your home and family sector last month. This month, Mercury leaves Capricorn on the 11th but, before doing so, there’s a powerful Mercury-Pluto conjunction on the 10th.

Pluto’s nature is final and you may have a sense that it’s time to close a door on the past and move on. You may be ready to have a deep or challenging conversation. Or, perhaps you’re dealing with a life-or-death situation and have to dig deep to find your inner resolve.

If you’re a typical Libra, you can steer clear of confrontation or the dark side of life. Yet, it may be pertinent to finish what you started before leaping into anything new.

Aquarius Themes

On the 11th, communication planet Mercury moves into your fellow air sign Aquarius where it joins the Sun. The Sun is moving through Aquarius until the 18th and this is an ideal time to embrace all that’s good in your life. This might start with adopting a positive attitude, depending on how the Mercury-Pluto conjunction plays out for you.

Aquarius rules all the good things in your life like romance, children & pregnancy, creativity, entertainment, self-expression and fun. When planets are in Aquarius, this urges you to do more of what you love and prioritise play over work.

Plus, there’s a glorious celebratory Full Moon in playful Leo on the 5th. This cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac and the most social sectors of your horoscope. It would be an ideal date for a party or celebration.

The only proviso is to watch how much money you spend as unpredictable Uranus is square both the Sun & the Moon. Uranus is currently in earth sign Taurus and one of the money sectors of your horoscope.

This can flag up unexpected expenses and it’s not a good time to take a risk financially. Rein in your spending on or around the Full Moon, but don’t let that stop you enjoying yourself.

Pisces Season

Your planet Venus is exalted in Pisces, the star sign which rules your work and lifestyle, your routine and your health. Venus is here until the 20th and the Sun joins Venus in Pisces on the 18th.

Even though planets in Aquarius are encouraging you to play, Pisces’ activity favours a healthy work/life balance. When you turn your attention towards your lifestyle and health, the rewards could be more than worth it. 

At the very least, you can start to sort things out in these key areas, whether you get back on track with a healthy routine or you make the right connections at work. 

It may take a while before you feel completely settled but know that you’re moving in the right direction. Trust and have faith that things will work out for the best. Sometimes, you have to surrender to life as it is and feel your way through. 

Notice your emotional response to whatever you’re doing as Pisces is one of the water signs. This is a time to embrace what feels right, rather than what you think is right, especially regarding your work and health.

The stand-out date could be the 20th, the day of the New Moon in Pisces, a symbol of new beginnings. Plus, your planet Venus makes a conjunction with Neptune, Pisces’ co-ruler on the 15th. This whole combination feels magical and it’s an ideal time to dream and believe anything’s possible.

Love & Connections

Finally, if you’re looking for love, this is potentially a go-for-it period. This is because big planet Jupiter remains in your opposite star sign Aries until mid-May. Plus, Aquarius is your romance sector and there’s a lovely Mercury-Jupiter alliance on the 18th, ideal for a date or flirtatious encounter.

Your ruling planet Venus enters Aries and your relationship sector on the 20th and this combination is red-hot. A direct approach is favoured when it comes to relationships.

Don’t wait for someone else to proposition you. Be forthcoming and turn on the charm. Venus in Aries is ideal for making new connections and strengthening partnerships that are already in place.

Plus, your partner planet Mars is now moving forward in another air sign Gemini. This lights up your travel and study sectors, so let your imagination run wild and line up some new experiences. The more you engage actively with life, the better.

There is a proviso, however, as your ruling planet Venus is said to be weakened in Aries. You’re the relating star sign and Aries is about the individual.

Once Venus is in Aries, you may want to put yourself first, especially if you’re lacking balance in a close relationship. Or, perhaps it’s important to assert yourself around other people. 

One of your Libra life lessons is learning to say no as you’re a people pleaser by nature. Therefore, consider the balance of power in your one-to-one’s. If it’s out, consider what can you do to regain equilibrium.

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