Venus On The Move
Your planet Venus is on the move this month as it finally leaves your fellow air sign Gemini. Venus has been in this sector of your horoscope since early April and is only just out of its shadow phase when things are hidden.
This brings a significant shift for you, so notice what changes on or around the 7th when Venus moves on.
You may change your mind about a trip away. Or, perhaps life steps in to lead you in a new direction. On the 7th, Venus moves into Cancer, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope representing your career and vocation, your status and reputation.
Friends & Connections
There’s been some turbulent astrology in this sector of your horoscope for the last few months but Venus’ move into Cancer smooths the way. It might not bring a miracle on the work or career front, but you can iron things out and use your charm to benefit your future path.
Schmooze other people while Venus is in Cancer and use your network if you’re looking for work or you want or need career advice. Some of you may be in a pivotal role this month and leading the way for others.
Both the 18th and 27th could be helpful with regard to work and money matters, a time when you’re in flow.
This is an important month to use your connections for another reason too. This is because of what’s happening in the fire sign Leo. The Sun’s here until the 22nd and talk planet Mercury whizzes through Leo from the 5th to the 20th.
On the one hand, this promises a social few weeks when you can get out and about and meet up with friends. Yet, it’s good for other areas of your life as well, meeting the right contacts or getting in touch with friends in high places.
Traditionally, August is a month to be on holiday but you may prefer to focus on other areas of life, especially your future path and getting ahead. Having more fun too definitely falls under the Leo umbrella.
This is especially true on the New Moon which takes place on the 19th, an ideal date to set things in motion with a group of friends. Or, reach out to someone you haven’t heard from for some time. If you’re a typical Libra, you enjoy having a wide social circle.
Love & Money
This month’s Full Moon falls on the 3rd and highlights a social sector of your horoscope. This is a good date for new romance and things could happen quickly or unexpectedly.
The planet Uranus is in action during the Full Moon and Uranus springs surprise. In Taurus, this is about money for you. Uranus turns retrograde on the 15th.
Keep close tabs on expenses or outgoings this month and try and keep things flexible. There’s a sense that you may be buying your freedom in some shape or form.
Relationships are also under the cosmic spotlight thanks to Mars charging through Aries and your relationship sector. This can indicate an exceptionally passionate affair or an exciting time for love. In fact, things could be positively wild when Mars aligns with Lilith, the ‘wild, untamed one’ on the 9th.
Yet, Mars rules anger as well as passion, so any liaison is likely to be tempestuous. If you’re in a relationship or married, your partner could have a lot going on, which is why they’re turbo-charged and quick to anger. To ease any tension, do something social and fun together – the 16th and 17th are well-starred.
Also, Mars clashes with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn on the 4th, 13th and 24th. This combination is heavy and any issues around home or family matters could flare up.
Try not to get involved in a messy situation and do your best to calm things down rather than heat things up. You may be the one who needs to step in and sort out a family row or upset.
This could indicate an issue with a property matter or building project too. Ideally, the situation requires patience but this may be in short supply if tempers flare.
As Mars is facing you across the zodiac, you could choose to get out of the way of trouble. Alternatively, not let other people get away with shoddy behaviour.
A Change Of Pace
Come the 20th/22nd, there’s a change in pace as first Mercury and then the Sun enter Virgo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.
After an exciting few weeks, slow things down and focus on restoring calm and peace in your life and in the lives of others. If you can go on retreat or take time out, this would be the ideal time to do so.