Libra (23 September – 23 October)
Your planet, Venus, is in step with communication planet, Mercury as April begins. Both planets are moving through Pisces, the star sign which rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health.
This is important because last month, Mercury was retrograde, i.e. on go slow in Pisces. This can be a time of confusion or uncertainty, when you’re unclear about what’s happening and why. You may have experienced unclarity around your job or work role or perhaps you had health issues which weren’t easy to resolve or diagnose.
Work & Health Re-boot
This month, you can start to sort things out in these key areas, whether you get back on track with a healthy routine or you start to ask the right questions at work. It may take a while yet before you feel more settled but know that you’re moving in the right direction.
Also, trust and have faith that things will work out for the best. Sometimes, you have to surrender to life as it is and feel your way through. Notice your emotional response, as Pisces is one of the water signs. This is a time to start doing what feels right, rather than what you think is right, especially with regard to your work and health.
Communication, Community & Connections
At the same time, ensure you gather the information you need and don’t leave things to chance. This is particularly important in the middle of the month when big planet Jupiter is active. Jupiter is currently in Sagittarius and your communication sector.
On the 10th, Jupiter turns retrograde and connects with three of the inner planets between the 10th and 15th. Therefore, throw yourself into new ideas, find things out, gain knowledge during this period. Take a leap of faith and, once again, ask all the right questions.
If you want to sign up for a course or attend a talk or workshop, this would be a great time to do so. Education is recommended, whether you’re gaining new qualifications or learning more about the world we live in.
This is about your community and using your connections to further your prospects. If you’re a typical Libra, you enjoy being part of a thriving community and you’re one of the zodiac’s key ‘people person’. You might take on a new role this month whereby you can answer other peoples’ questions, perhaps as a coach, mediator or adviser.
There’s going to be a pull towards other people for you. This is because of the inner planets moving through Aries and your opposite star sign. Aries rules your close relationships, both personal and professional, and all your 1-to-1’s are highlighted.
The Sun is in Aries until the 20th and this is where the New Moon takes place on the 5th. A New Moon in Aries is a chance to start over and turn a fresh page in a key relationship. If relations were muddled or confused last month, here’s your chance to begin again.
Full Moon Libra – Double The Power
Plus, the Full Moon on the 19th takes place in your star sign Libra and this could be a powerful date for love and relationships, close connections and partnership. In fact, this Full Moon follows on from another Full Moon in Libra on March 21st.
Last month, the Full Moon shone bright at the beginning of the star sign; this month it shines bright at the end of the star sign. This is a complete chapter within itself. What was awoken at the end of March reaches fulfilment during this month’s Full Moon.
In fact, this could be a pivotal time for a close relationship. The decisions you make during this Full Moon might impact your life for months or years to come.
Leap Into Love
In addition, both Venus and Mercury move in to Aries during this period – Mercury on the 17th and Venus on the 20th. Therefore, this hints at significant progress for your 1-to-1’s. You may hear from someone who’s been quiet. Perhaps, something arises which helps you better understand a key person in your life.
It’s a good time to take the initiative in your relationships, whether you want to talk or you’re keen to start something new. This is a positive time to find out what’s going on and you gain nothing by holding back. Even an argument or confrontation could prove revealing. It’s better to know where you stand than be oblivious to what’s happening.
If you’re looking for love, this is a go-for-it time as Venus in your relationship sector is red-hot. Here too, a direct approach is favoured so don’t wait for someone else to proposition you. Be forthcoming and turn on the charm.
This is a good month both to make new connections and strengthen those partnerships that are already in place. Action planet Mars is in the sign of communication, Gemini throughout April which suggests you can make advances through networking and contacts.
Gemini lights up your travel and study sectors. Let your imagination run wild and line up some new experiences. The more you engage actively with life, the better. Dare to live your life fully.
Home Truths
Planetary activity in the earth signs is unusual this month. The Sun enters Taurus and your joint finance sector on the 20th.
Almost immediately, on the 22nd, the Sun connects with the planet of change, Uranus, which entered Taurus last month. This is a long transit but events close to this date may reveal more about what this means for you. Uranus invariably brings highs or lows and rarely anything inbetween.
This might be connected to what’s happening within your home or family or linked to your past. Two of the outer planets, Pluto and Saturn, are currently in Capricorn and this sector of your horoscope and this is a big month for both.
Firstly, they make a rare connection with the south node – Pluto on the 4th and Saturn on the 30th. Secondly, they both turn retrograde, Pluto on the 24th and Saturn on the 30th. This whole combination could draw you back to the past or flag up an old issue around your home or family.
There may be a sense of deja-vu or an awareness of limitations or being held back. For now, be aware of what’s happening and try not to fall into automatic behaviour.