Leo Your Year Ahead 2017

Leo, 2017Every year I write a popular and comprehensive annual eBook which is your guide to the year ahead.

It includes horoscopes for each of the 12 star signs and an extensive overview of the year’s astrology.

It’s a must-have read and will help you plan ahead and get ahead in 2017.

Below is a summary of what’s in store for Leo. If you would like to purchase the eBook, click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today. Only £10 for all 12 star signs.

Leo – 2017

If this is the year when you have your own talk show, you’re in tune with your stars. Your communication sector is buzzing until October and this heralds a wonderful year to talk, connect and make an impact.

A new role as a teacher, mediator or coach beckons. Support a cause you believe in, whether political, social or environmental. Become a spokesperson and share your ideas far and wide. The year won’t be without controversy but if you’re on a mission to promote your ideology or start a new trend, you’ll be determined to do so whatever comes your way.

It isn’t a year when you’re going to complete everything you start and some projects will fizzle out. Yet keep wearing your explorer hat as some of your ventures and new experiences will be worth it. Enlist the help of other people to keep you on track or re-inspire you when your own enthusiasm is flagging.

Your love life is filled with big events, whether you fall head-over-heels in love or you decide to get hitched or start a family. Don’t take love for granted however and use the powerful eclipses to reassess what you want and why. A relationship that boosts your self worth is a must.

In the last quarter of the year, you encounter strong emotions when it comes to your home and family, your past and where you’re from. Deep connections matter as you celebrate with loved ones or combine homes.


Want to read more? Click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today.

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