Leo (23 July – 22 August)
Your ruler, the Sun, is in earth sign Virgo until the 23rd. Virgo rules money matters in your horoscopes, also your possessions and what you value highly. This is an excellent time to be thinking about what next with regard to money, whether you’re looking to earn it, spend it, invest it or pay it off.
Earth is currently the dominant element. Another key player in an earth sign is Mercury in Virgo from the 6th to the 22nd. Line up some key meetings or consultations with your bank manager or a financial whizz kid. The more informed you are the better, when it comes to money, its meaning and specifically, what it means to you.
Also, on the 7th, there’s a Grand Earth Trine which links Mercury in Virgo with Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. This brings the old (Saturn) and the new (Uranus) together in the two work sectors of your horoscope. This is where to create strong foundations in your life and prioritise safety and security.
Look out for a significant person or influential individual who has what you need. Both Saturn and Uranus rule partners in your horoscope, so this is about handing over responsibility to someone else. Or learning from a master or an expert in their field.
The New Moon on the 9th takes place in Virgo, excellent for setting new intentions around money and finances. What is important, however, is that you get real when it comes to cash. Neptune in Pisces and your joint finance sector can be a seduction, a temptation and Neptune’s lure is powerful on the 7th and 9th. Reject fantasy ideas and replace them with concrete steps and sound plans.
You can also transfer the ‘strong foundations’ theme to your home and family. Expansive Jupiter has been in Scorpio and your home and family sector since October 2017. This is often a time when you move home or expand where you live. Family matter to you a great deal during this transit.
This month, on the 9th, the planet of relating, Venus, enters Scorpio where she remains for the majority of the next four months. You might be beautifying the place you live or work or want to transform your close relations with family or the people you live with.
You can work alongside other people now to good effect. This might be as simple as pooling resources or creating a schedule of who does what at home. Think community and collaboration and help one another out whenever possible.
Not all relationships will be straightforward this month, however, because Mars returns to Aquarius and your opposite star sign on the 11th. Mars remains here until November 15th and it’s back where it was earlier in the year. This may coincide with a relationship being revived or reconnecting with an ex.
Mars is passionate but argumentative too. It’s important to note what happens in a close relationship on or around the 18th when Mars clashes with Uranus. This is a repeat of a planetary aspect which took place on May 16th and August 2nd, 2018. This is the third and final time these two planets meet in the same planet/sign combination.
Notice if someone lets you down, again, or if there’s a clash between your personal life and what you do for a living. Mars/Uranus is impulsive, foolhardy even and it’s not the best date to try and sort out a relationship issue. Instead, wait and see what happens and resolve to reconnect or communicate at a later date.
Your ruler, the Sun, enters Libra and your communication sector on the 23rd, the day of the Equinox where it joins talk planet Mercury. This is your cue to smooth out and ease any troubled relations. Mars teams up with Mercury on the 24th and the Sun on the 27th, ideal for healing a rift with a sibling, neighbour or partner.
Plus, the Full Moon on the 25th highlights the same axis of your horoscope. This is about communication but also education, learning and knowledge. Do something extraordinary that takes you away from any sensitive issues closer to home.