Leo October 2016

Leo, mountain

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

As the month begins, your ruler the Sun is in Libra and your communication sector. In addition, there’s a New Moon in Libra on the 1st, a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start.

This is a lovely start to October for you and it’s this part of your chart that’s currently blessed, where opportunity and growth make anything possible. The other planet in Libra is Jupiter, the biggest planet, which is why this area of your life is currently so positive and event close to the 1st mark the way forward.

Libra rules all forms of communication, the spoken and written word, ideas, brainstorming, networking and new connections. It’s about study and knowledge, learning and teaching, bringing people together to enjoy one another’s company but also to share what you know.

In your chart, Libra rules your siblings and neighbours, your local community. Reach out to these people in your life and work at unity. The theme of togetherness is strong as October gets underway.

One of the best dates is the 11th when communication planet Mercury teams up with Jupiter in Libra. This signals good news and it’s a brilliant date for a meeting or interview, a test or exam. Knowledge and gaining new qualifications can benefit you in more ways than one.

Yet this is also a month when you might be feeling restless and find it hard to juggle your everyday routine so you can do all the things you want. Your own personal situation is highlighted during the Full Moon which takes place on the 16th and cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac.

This is about travel and education, new experiences and adventure. It’s a lively Full Moon because Uranus is in the mix and Uranus is an unpredictable planet, linked to change. Look out for a last-minute opportunity that crops up close to the Full Moon and take advantage fast. Be ready however for last-minute changes to your plans, so be flexible and have plan B up your sleeve.

In an ideal world, this is where you want to live now, amongst the world of ideas, community and shared goals. Yet you still have to work hard or pay heed to the 9-to-5 and this could turn out to be a busy month for you with regard to your work and routine.

This is because action planet Mars is in the earth sign Capricorn throughout October ruling not only your work and routine but also your lifestyle and health. Mars is a full-on dynamic energy in Capricorn so it’s important to step into your power, work hard, meet your deadlines.

You might be asked to play a more powerful role and other people will be looking to you to take the lead. Know too however that Mars clashes with key planets on the 5th, 19th and 29th. So for some reason, you have a fight on your hands to juggle your schedule, keep everyone happy and finish what you started.

If you’re looking to take time off work or you’re currently looking for a job, don’t give up at the first hurdle. This month’s astrology favours persistence, determination and courage.

You might find that you clash with other people more than usual this month, whether this is related to what you believe in or what you’re working towards. This is most likely in the arena of politics, social causes or ideologies.

Again you have to work hard to get your voice heard but if anything, opposition will only make you more determined. Plus, this is an opportunity to learn how to defend yourself and how to get your point across in a way that can be heard if not appreciated.

Venus’ move into Sagittarius on the 18th adds a lighter note as Sagittarius rules all the good things in your life, such as fun, entertainment, creative projects, romance and children. This is a reminder to do what you love, to ensure you focus on pleasure and not solely on hard work.

Make time for love as Venus in Sagittarius is glorious for romance and love affairs. If you’re in a relationship or married, you can’t have everything your own way however and your partner planets, Saturn and Uranus, clash with your ruler the Sun on the 15th and Venus on the 30th.

This flags up a stop-start scenario with regard to love and relationships whether you need to spend some time apart or some days you get on but others you don’t. In relationships it’s important to honour truthful communication and make sure you learn to compromise.

If you try to have everything your own way, you’re likely to fail. The same goes for your partner; they too must learn to give as well as receive. The best date for love is the 4th when the Sun teams up with Saturn in a favourable aspect.

Finally, this month is also important for home and family affairs. Love planet Venus is in Scorpio and this sector of your chart until the 18th and most importantly for you, the Sun and Mercury enter Scorpio on the 22nd and 24th respectively.

So focus on your domestic situation and spend quality time with family and the people close to you. Make time to communicate on a deep level, especially on the 27th when the Sun and Mercury unite in Scorpio.

Yet the key date is the 30th when there’s a New Moon in Scorpio, a chance to start over, to consider what next for where you live and to make a point of connecting with the people closest to you.

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