Leo Monthly Stars September 2014

Leo.Zeeshan A KhanLeo (23 July-22 August)

As we move into September, your stars take on a slightly more serious tone which has that ‘back to school’ feel.

Last month’s bevy of planets in your sign of Leo felt playful but now it’s time to take stock and turn your attention to work, money matters and your situation at home.

It doesn’t have to feel heavy however and there is a real chance to make progress now but you can’t expect change to happen overnight and you must put in the hours and work in order to profit long-term.

The Sun, your ruler, begins the month of September in the earth sign Virgo where it remains until the 23rd and is joined from the 5th-29th by Lady Venus. This is about getting your finances in order as Virgo is the sign that rules money matters, accounting, what comes in and what goes out. So take stock, ensure you’re on top of your budgeting and do whatever’s necessary to feel as if you’re organised and that your everyday life is running smoothly.

The 3rd and 14th are powerful days for work and earning money when first the Sun and secondly Venus in Virgo team up with the planet Pluto in Capricorn. This is helpful and it’s important to remember that Pluto at its best has transformative abilities. This is the symbol of the magician who waves his wand and makes things happen. Be as powerful as you can be on or around these dates, talk to your boss or spread a little magic at work.

As Venus is the planet of relating, it benefits you now to employ other people or ask for advice and don’t feel that you have to do everything alone. If you’re a typical Leo, you’re good at being organised and like to be the boss but you don’t always take kindly to a secondary role or more mundane activities. If it’s possible, turn to others to sweat the small stuff and give yourself a break. If that’s not on your agenda, then at least look at working as a team whether at home or at work and delegating and sharing tasks equally.

Saturn remains in Scorpio down at the base of your chart where it’s joined by Mars, the action planet, up until the 13th so there’s a lot of energy around home and family affairs. If things haven’t been easy of late, once Mars moves on, you can breathe a sigh of relief as any tensions ease. Again there’s a theme of progress this month as first the Sun and then Venus team up with Saturn in a helpful aspect on the 11th and 21st respectively.

What it’s not wise to do this month is to bury your head in the sand and hope any problems disappear on their own. This is especially important on or close to the Full Moon which cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of your chart on the 9th. The planet Neptune is also active on the 10th and together this feels emotional.

Money and possessions are linked to self-worth and what you value in life so there may be some exposing lessons about what you’re paid or what you believe you’re worth. Neptune often represents a blind spot so be honest if you’re letting something drift or you know that money is slipping through your fingers.

Later in the month on or around the 22nd there may be an issue around money and self-worth that links to your children, a lover or a skill or talent. Again Neptune’s powerful so don’t let yourself be deceived or buy into an illusion. If in doubt, stick to the facts and get people you know and trust to advise you.

In many respects this is going to be a lively month and you will be busier than usual whether with work or social events. Mercury, the communication planet, is in your communication sector from the 2nd-27th suggesting there’s a lot to talk about and you’ll be busy with meetings and all forms of negotiation.

You may reach an impasse mid-month (9th-13th) when an old problem or issue rears its head. One scenario is that you feel tied to your work or job and can’t get away on holiday or study what you want to. You believe you can’t have the freedom you crave and this is backed up by a conversation you have mid-month.

If this fits for you, keep faith, remain hopeful and continue to look for new ways to follow your burning desire. Things shift dramatically in the last week of the month when there’s a New Moon in Libra on the 24th suggesting a chance to start afresh and a wonderful Jupiter-Uranus trine takes place the following day on the 25th.

This is a big deal for you as Jupiter is currently in your own sign of Leo and Uranus is in your fellow fire sign of Aries. This is about following a dream or passion and doing something different or unusual that expands your experience of life. Look out for a new opportunity on or around this date and be spontaneous. Believe you can achieve the impossible and you may be pleasantly surprised. Jupiter and Uranus together feel super lucky and some of you will win a competition or have your prayers answered.

Meeting someone new is part of this whether it’s a new lover or an adventurous person, someone who inspires you and is on your wavelength. Mars is in the third fire sign Sagittarius from the 13th and not only your love life but your creativity and general enthusiasm will be fanned by Mars’ passion.

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