Leo Monthly Stars September 2013

Leo Oil PaintingLeo (23 July-22 August)

It’s time to hear the Leo roar as Mars, planet of action, sweeps through your sign. Mars moved into Leo at the end of last month and remains here until mid-October. Use Mars’ energy to fuel your ambition, set personal goals and get things done.

It’s a good month to be more physical and use regular exercise to stimulate your body and get moving. Mars is a male energy so it’s great for being more assertive but watch a tendency to tip over into bossy or argumentative mode.

Mars makes an amazing aspect this month to the spontaneous planet Uranus on the 14th. This is a brilliant weekend to plan an adventure, be daring and do something different. Travel and learning will inspire you.

One area of your life where it’s wise to get a handle on things whilst the going’s good is money. The Sun your ruler is in Virgo and your money sector until the 22nd. Virgo’s a sign that likes order and organisation so ensure you cross the t’s and dot the i’s and keep on top of budgeting, income and expenses. Make life easy for yourself on the cash front and set up new systems that help you have more awareness about what you’re earning and give you a clear idea of where your money goes and how to use it most effectively.

The first week is especially important for cash matters as the Sun’s in two helpful aspects with Pluto on the 1st and Jupiter on the 7th. Trust your intuition where work’s concerned and look at ways to transform your routine or work situation on or around these dates.

In addition, there’s a New Moon in Virgo on the 5th a brilliant date to start a new cash-related project. In fact, why not set yourself a new two week goal that culminates on the Full Moon on the 19th which also falls across the money sectors of your chart, Virgo and Pisces. You have very little holding you back astrologically this month from making progress on the money front so go with it and see what improvements can be made.

Challenges come in other areas of your life and with Mars in your sign adding heat to the mix, the 14th-20th brings discussions, conflicts or arguments. Mercury is in Libra and your communication sector at this time and squaring up to some of the heavy-weight planets. In fact, Mercury is the fourth axis of a Grand Cross aspect that isn’t going away. Every time one of the personal planets moves through Libra and your communication sector it triggers the same three planets. Last month was the turn of Venus (relating) over the Bank Holiday weekend in the UK (24th-27th August) and next month it will be the turn of the Sun your ruler on the 2nd/3rd October.

The good news is that each time this occurs you’re hopefully learning more and finding new ways to deal with the challenges. Work or your health are likely contenders as are your beliefs, spiritual or otherwise. It may be your reaction to what’s happening in the wider world that brings a feeling of powerlessness which then instigates you into action. You want to do something about the social or world problems that you’re encountering and by talking with others about the situation, together you can make a difference.

If it’s a personal issue that’s up for discussion, it’s important to listen to all sides of the story and remember that Libra is the sign of diplomacy and negotiation. There are no easy answers but being tolerant and understanding will help you make leeway and at least move things in the right direction.

There’s also a lot going on at home or within your family as key planets gather at the base of your chart. If you read my monthly stars on a regular basis you‘ll know that Saturn has been in Scorpio and your home zone since October 2012. Saturn often demands major decisions and you have to deal with the more serious side of life. You may feel stuck or rooted and not necessarily in a good way or have duties or obligations that require your attention. You may be in a caring role and that role has to take priority.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 11th and on the 18th meets up with Saturn. This is a repeat of an aspect that took place at the end of November 2012 and Saturn either brings commitment or an ending. There are no half measures where Saturn’s concerned and love or home and family matters are a serious business. One way or another, you have to make a decision and do what you feel is for the best.

Pluto in Capricorn and your work and health sector also teams up with Saturn on the 21st, a date which may bring a turning point that’s helpful. Saturn and Pluto are in mutual reception, i.e. they’re in each other’s signs so the two forces can work together strengthening your purpose and helping you see the bigger picture in life.

It depends on your personal situation how this is going to play out for you and it may be about a love relationship or your commitment to your family. As the north node is also at this same place in your chart followed by an eclipse on the 3rd November, what takes place will be a significant turning point. Call it destiny or karma, the wheel of fortune is turning and it’s important to bear this in mind when you’re making those major decisions. Be cautious what you commit to or end as it’s likely to be final.

[photo from flickr.com]

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