Leo Monthly Stars May 2015

Leo Zodiac StampLeo (23 July – 22 August)

The planetary focus remains at the top of your chart as May begins. Mars, the action planet, is in Taurus until the 12th and more importantly for you, this is where you also find the Sun, your ruling planet. Taurus is the sign that rules your career, your vocation, your status and reputation. It’s future oriented, where you’re heading in life.

This is potentially an ambitious period for you and whilst Mars is in Taurus, work or your work situation can feel relentless. Plus, this month both the Full Moon and the New Moon pick up this same sector of your chart. The Full Moon takes place on the 4th and in the UK this is a Bank Holiday weekend.

When you have the Sun in Taurus and your work sector, this means that the Moon is in the opposite side of Scorpio and your home and family sector. Immediately this creates an opposition and because the light of the Full Moon is at its brightest, you see your own situation clearly. For some, this indicates an imbalance when the work/life pendulum has tipped out of kilter.

For others, you’re clear that you want to spend the Bank Holiday weekend free from work responsibilities and catch up with family, enjoy some down time. This is an interesting Full Moon for you as the planet Jupiter makes a square aspect to it. Jupiter, the planet of good times and abundance, is currently in your sign of Leo and this indicates that you’re ready to let your hair down and have some fun. Jupiter can signify over the top behaviour and if you feel you’re at breaking point, anything goes.

The other key date with regard to your work is the 18th when the New Moon takes place in Taurus up at the top of your chart. This is the time to set your intentions and for some, it’s a chance to do things differently. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start.

A few days after the New Moon, the Sun leaves Taurus on the 21st and even though the New Moon is a beginning it’s also an ending. Potentially this is the turning point, the end of an exceptionally busy period.

The rest of the personal planets turn your attention elsewhere and remind you to tend other areas of your life. The big area under the cosmic spotlight throughout the month is friendship. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and your friendship sector on the 1st, where it is joined by Mars, the planet of action, on the 12th and your ruler, the Sun, on the 21st. This is where the action is building in your chart.

Gemini not only rules friends but groups, clubs, associations and wider society. This is about your social networks both on and off-line and it’s here where you’re faced with some big decisions. There are two main reasons why this is an important month for these areas of your life. Firstly, the personal planets clash with the Saturn-Neptune square, a key theme of 2015.

This suggests that you’re going to encounter a certain amount of opposition to your own plans and you might find that it exposes your limitations. You can’t have everything your own way and yet you’re not willing to give in to what another person/people want or expect. When Saturn opposes the personal planets, it’s effectively a stand-off situation.

You might sense what this is about for you personally on the 3rd when Saturn opposes Mercury, then there’s a more dramatic Mars-Saturn opposition on the 15th and the most important date for you is the 23rd when Saturn opposes the Sun. There are no quick answers to the situation and if anything you will encounter a period of confusion or unclarity when you’re unsure how to progress. This is partly because of Neptune’s influence which drops a veil and when Neptune’s active you feel all at sea.

Plus we enter a Mercury retrograde phase on the 19th and Mercury remains on go slow until June 11th. This is often a period when you’re dealing with what’s past, what’s gone before. It’s not a time to make major decisions and it can indicate that things are hidden to you. Mercury retrograde is rife with misunderstandings or people not talking.

All in all, this paints a complex picture and the best thing is to remain patient and let any personal issues sort themselves out without trying to intervene. New information will come to light once Mercury turns direct and by mid June you’ll be ready to make an important decision. Gemini focuses on friends and groups but this also includes your future goals. These are the areas of difficulty and where you’re wise to reflect and contemplate rather than try and push things forward.

It’s also potentially a quiet or private period for love as Venus, the planet of love and relating, enters Cancer and the most hidden sector of your charts on the 7th. This is a notorious transit for secrets and with Mercury retrograde this month too, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that’s hidden from public view.

This is another indication that you have to deal with what’s in the past before you can move forward into the future. Venus in Cancer is loving and caring but this is a private liaison and you’re dealing with feelings that normally you keep to yourself.

The second Bank Holiday weekend in May from the 22nd to the 25th is the most dramatic time for love. This is nothing new necessarily but a repeat situation. It’s not an ideal time to act on what takes place and when it comes to affairs of the heart, here too you’re wise to play a waiting game.

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