Leo Monthly Stars May 2014

Leo.15th centuryLeo (23 July-22 August)

As the month begins, you’re moving forward on the back of what took place towards the end of April. This is because there was a powerful Solar Eclipse in Taurus and your career sector on April 29th and what took place then may have been a major turning point for your work and/or your vocation.

Solar Eclipses are New Moons with oomph and if you’re in the throes of a new project, position or responsibility, there’ll be lots to do and it’s important to play by the rules, not cut corners and do things properly. Be thorough in your approach to work, manage your time well and ensure that your keep your head down and work hard for a few weeks at least.

The Sun, your ruler, remains in Taurus until the 21st and Mercury (communication) is in the same sign until the 7th. Both these planets, however, are opposed by Saturn; Mercury on the 3rd and the Sun on the 10th. Saturn is the planet of discipline and hard work so perhaps you have to put in some extra hours at the weekends. You may also find that if you’re focusing on work, other areas get dropped, such as family and your personal life.

Saturn is not only one of the planets that rules your personal relationships but is currently in Scorpio, the sign down at the base of your chart, focusing on your home, your family, your past and where you come from.

Saturn inevitably slows you down and you can’t rush things when Saturn’s in on the act. Take your time and don’t take on too much especially if you’re busy. If you’re out of work, Saturn won’t change things immediately but it urges you to do what you can to regain employment and to be as thorough in seeking work as you would if you were working in a full-time position.

The turning point comes at the Full Moon on the 14th which also cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis highlighting these key areas of your life, home, family and what you do for a living. Full Moons often bring clarity and you see your situation more clearly. You know what you can and can’t do and you’re ready to make a key decision. They can be emotional, even dramatic but this Full Moon feels powerful for you and another step in the right direction.

If you are worried about someone at home or within the family, if you care for someone elderly or you’re stuck in a situation that you can’t budge right now, help is at hand on or around the 24th. On this date, there’s a glorious Jupiter/Saturn connection which suggests an answer to your home/family-related problem and a chance to resolve an ongoing issue.

Jupiter is hidden away in your chart but being the protective planet this may indicate someone kind, a person who helps you out, even a private benefactor. It’s the equivalent of your fairy godmother waving their magic wand and helps you reach a place that’s peaceful and/or less stressful. This would also be a lovely date to catch up with people from the past or enjoy a family wedding or anniversary.

Aside from work, you will want to be more social now and even though you may be pushed for time, your connections with friends are worth pursuing. Mercury (communication) is in Gemini and your friendship sector from the 7th-29th and you can have a lot of fun with old and new friends alike and this is a wonderful month to join a new group, club or society.

Being with friends and people outside of your work environment helps you to relax and forget the bigger challenges in your life. There may even be a chance to book a holiday or trip away with a group of friends, perhaps your girlfriends, as Venus is in Aries and your travel sector from the 7th-29th. This is perfect for a holiday romance or for meeting someone from a different country or culture.

The most challenging week is from the 11th-18th when Venus runs the gauntlet and clashes with the Grand Cross planets which were so much in evidence last month. Take care if you’re travelling on or between these dates and allow for extra disruption. You may come across a person, possibly a woman who’s being difficult and if so you’re wise to take a step back and detach yourself emotionally. It’s a clash that’s going nowhere and if anything it’s triggering the events of last month which should be dead and buried. Someone may want to cause trouble or stir things up again and if so, do your best not to get involved.

Finally, Mars turns direct this month on the 20th in your communication sector. This spells good news for a sibling or neighbour but more likely it’s a turning point for you and a situation that’s been stuck or on hold since early March gets the go-ahead. You can have that conversation you’ve been avoiding or you hear from a special someone and know exactly where you stand. What you hear or say is the catalyst that enables you to move forward and take positive action.

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