It’s important to note first of all that Mercury, planet of communication, turned direct on the last day of February in your opposite sign of Aquarius. This has to be good news for love or any key 1-to-1 relationship in your life, either personal or professional.
Mercury turning direct is the equivalent of a green light, it represents good news or discovering new information you were waiting for. It’s perfect for opening up the lines of communication and having that conversation you’ve been avoiding or putting off.
It’s definitely worth initiating important steps in a key relationship as Venus, Goddess of love, enters Aquarius on the 5th where she remains throughout the rest of the month. This promises to be one of the loveliest months of the year for affairs of the heart and after a potentially frustrating time, you will feel as if you’re moving in the right direction.
If you’re looking for love, the 18th is especially well-starred, but this is a good date for all relationships, when Venus and Uranus connect in the heavens, to be spontaneous and do things differently. Ask someone out on a date or surprise the one you love.
You may find that one particular block or obstacle partly clears this month too or at least becomes a little easier. This is because Saturn down at the base of your chart turns retrograde on the 2nd and remains on go slow until mid-July 2014. Saturn’s in Scorpio the sign that rules your home, family, your past and where you come from. This suggests that there may have been extra responsibilities for you at home as duty has come calling, perhaps an elderly parent to care for or someone in the family who’s been ill.
Personally I feel when Saturn turns retrograde that this weakens this powerful planet and you get something of a break from whatever limitations or difficulties you’ve encountered.
Venus in Aquarius does square up to Saturn on the 29th and this may be a date when you have to do the right thing, something honourable or respectful. If someone in your life is unhappy with you, perhaps with regard to your relationships, then the 29th is the date to open up and be honest about how you’re feeling.
The other planet that turns retrograde this month is Mars, the action planet, in your communication sector. This happens on the 1st and you may decide on a new plan of action at this time, one that changes your future direction significantly. If you’ve had any problems with a sibling, neighbour or someone in your local community, again this means that Mars’ energy is weakened so less arguments, less anger. When Mars is retrograde it’s also a good time to turn inward and consider your own motivations. Mars remains on go slow until May 20th 2014.
As March begins, the Sun, your ruler, is in the water sign of Pisces where it remains until the 20th. This is one of the hidden sectors of your chart and this can be about sensitive issues that come to the fore. This is the sector of your chart that rules joint finances and there’s a real chance to sort things out on the money front.
Take note of what happens on or around the 1st when the Sun connects with Jupiter in a helpful trine aspect and on the 6th when Jupiter turns direct in the sign before yours, Cancer. This feels like a karmic connection and if you’ve helped someone out in the past, you may find the favour is now returned. An old debt could be repaid or you discover that you have a guardian, a private benefactor or your own personal fairy godmother or godfather. The 26th is a key date in this respect when Mercury in Pisces connects with Jupiter signifying a powerful conversation or union.
All three water signs dominate for you this month in a constructive way so there’s a chance to help out family and there’s a link to your past that can benefit you or someone close to you. The Full Moon on the 16th cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of your horoscope focusing on money matters. It’s an emotional Full Moon but there’s a chance to sort things out in a practical way and to get on top of your finances.
On the 20th, the Sun moves into your fellow fire sign of Aries when you will find that your desire to spread your wing and seek out new adventures in life intensifies. Aries is the sign that rules travel and new experiences and the New Moon on the 30th also falls in the same sign. This is a brilliant date to set off on holiday or to book a trip away or to sign up for a course. Spread your net wide and make the most of all that life has to offer.
When it states that Venus enters Aquarius on the 5th March I think this applies to the U.S.A and is not GMT is this correct? If so will it be the 6th march in England and is the influence felt beforehand?
hi Jan, Venus enters Aquarius at 9pm GMT on 5th March therefore earlier the same day in the USA. Once you start getting further east of GMT, i.e. Asia, Venus will enter Aquarius on 6th March.
The influence may be felt as a planet shifts from one sign to the next. Critical degrees in astrology are 29 and 0 degrees of a sign, the last and first day as it leaves one sign and enters a new sign.
Hope that helps. best wishes, Sally
When it states that Venus enters Aquarius on the 5th March I think this applies to the U.S.A and is not GMT is this correct? If so will it be the 6th march in England and is the influence felt beforehand?