Leo Monthly Stars January 2013

Leo Zodiac StampLeo (23 July-22 August)

Happy New Year! Your ruler the Sun begins the year in the sign of Capricorn, ruling work, your health and your everyday routine. The Sun has already partnered the movers and shakers of the heavens (Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) at the end of 2012 so this period may represent the lull after the storm. Big decisions regarding your work or health have already been made and the start of this year is more about letting your decisions settle than anything else.

It’s also a chance to sort yourself out as a New Year starts and decide what’s going to benefit you work-wise and health-wise and whether there are new structures or changes you want to put into place. In this respect, it can be a quiet start to the New Year, going about things in a steady way, looking after yourself and keeping a sense of calm in your life.

However, there are two other planets moving through Capricorn, Mercury (communication) and Venus (relating) and both these planets meet the big three as mentioned above. So there may be some tough conversations that you need to have or tough decisions to make regarding other people. The key dates are the 6th and the 17th and it’s important to face facts and deal with reality on or around these dates.

Saturn down at the base of your chart in the sign of Scorpio represents your past, your home and family. It’s a weighty influence so there are other factors that may require or demand your attention. An elderly parent, your family’s security or an issue from your past that keeps raising its head until it’s dealt with and put to bed. This depends on your personal situation what it means for you but the stars suggest that the sooner you decide to deal with your situation, the better. Pick up the phone if necessary and start negotiations.

The New Moon on the 11th also falls in the sign of Capricorn, a great day to make a fresh start and a wonderful date to find work if you’re job hunting. It’s a good day to recommit to a New Year’s resolution or start a new routine that will lead to a healthier you.

This is only one side of the story in January, however, as the start of the year also finds Mars in your opposite sign of Aquarius ruling relationships and Venus in Sagittarius ruling romance. These two are the love and sex planets of the heavens, yin and yang, and there’s a feel-good factor about this combination.

Mars teams up with Uranus on the 1st bringing a surprise your way and it’s a great day to act spontaneously and do something exciting, especially with regard to love and relationships. The 4th looks lively too when Mars and Jupiter connect in the heavens bringing a sense of adventure and a desire to live life on the edge and have some fun. Meet up with your friends, spice up your love life or book a holiday. Whatever you do, this is about adding excitement to life and especially your love life.

Mars does make a difficult aspect on the 7th to the planet Saturn and this is a situation that could potentially hold you back. It relates to what I mentioned earlier, i.e. a family or home situation, something from your past, that doesn’t allow you to live the life you choose or be with the person you want to be with.

This theme plays out throughout the month as on the 19th both Mercury and your ruler the Sun enter Aquarius and your relationship sector. These two planets connect with the same planets as Mars in the first week of January so it suggests a real roller-coaster ride of good times but also a reality check or a disappointment.

The most important date for you this month is the 27th when the Full Moon takes place in your sign of Leo. Full Moons represent culmination, completion and they symbolise relationships as in the horoscope chart, the Sun (King) and Queen (Moon) oppose one another from opposite sides. This Full Moon is a significant day for a relationship decision and on the whole it feels positive.

The difficulties that you are encountering may not disappear completely but you have enough enthusiasm and courage to follow your heart. Your friends will be there to support you as well so turn to your friends when you need them most. They’ll not only provide a listening ear but help you find the humour in life’s experiences.

[photo from flickr.com]

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