Your ruler the Sun is in your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius until the 21st and this is good news for you. It puts the focus on the fun things in life, whether you’re hanging out with your kids, enjoying a love affair, flexing your creative muscles or enjoying extra entertainment and socialising on the run up to Christmas.
Plus you currently have Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in your sign of Leo and Jupiter teams up with the personal planets on the 4th, 12th and 14th. Brilliant dates to socialise and do any or all of the above. Think pleasure and indulgence and make the most of life. Jupiter is the positive planet and helps you consider your own life as a glass half full rather than half empty.
If that’s not so easy for you right now, take some time every day to give thanks and be grateful for all that you do have in your life. It can be a really useful exercise to see what things you can find each day that you feel grateful for. They may be simple but done on a regular basis it will help to shift your mood to a more positive mindset.
If you’re already buzzing with the onset of Christmas, then simply throw yourself into the party scene and enjoy some of the more pleasurable aspects of the holiday season.
If you’re looking for love, this is a promising month to find romance. As well as the personal planets including Venus (love) in Sagittarius ruling love affairs, Mars, the passion planet, enters your opposite sign of Aquarius ruling relationships on the 5th where it remains until mid-January. Mars is a decisive planet so whether you set your heart on someone you meet or you’re determined to do whatever you can to enjoy love, there’s drive and determination in the mix.
For some, there may be a spontaneous decision to visit a lover who lives abroad or to catch up with someone you met on holiday or a course. The weekend to note is the 20th/21st when Mars teams up with spontaneous Uranus in your travel and education sector. Uranus is one of the planets that rules your partner so you may decide to jump on a plane or pick up the phone or someone surprises you.
As the Moon is also in Aquarius on Christmas Day (25th) putting love first is a big pull for you over the holiday season. In fact, you may decide to change a traditional family Christmas for something that suits you, whether you serve as a volunteer or devote the day to the one you love.
Another reason why doing things differently seems like a promising option is because Saturn leaves the sign of Scorpio on December 23rd where it’s been since October 2012 and Scorpio is the sign that rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. Saturn’s a weighty planet so for some reason you may have found yourself feeling trapped by family commitments or burdened by your current situation.
Saturn’s move out of Scorpio takes the weight off your shoulders and moves an impossible situation into the realm of possibility. Simply put, you have more options and won’t feel as tied to the past as you have done over the last couple of years.
One area of your life that looks especially busy on the run up to Christmas is work and your everyday routine. This is often the case trying to juggle the different areas of life and fit everything in before the holiday season but for you it’s especially chocker. Come the Winter Solstice on the 21st you have four planets in Capricorn and your work sector and at the New Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd, the Moon joins the party.
For some, this means working hard to ensure you meet your deadlines before you can put your feet up and it may mean that you only have the odd day off here and there over the holidays. This may cause problems and you need to try and avoid falling out with someone close or a work colleague on the run up to Christmas. The 20th looks volatile as does Christmas Day itself (25th) and one thing you should keep off the Xmas agenda is anything to do with work. Certainly don’t provoke an argument about work whether with regard to your own situation or someone close.
Instead set some new intentions on the New Moon and decide how you’re going to work smarter in 2015. If you’re looking for work, make a list of all the things you can do to start the New Year on the right foot. On New Year’s Eve (31st), the Moon is in Taurus, another work sector of your chart and even if you’re not working, you’ll be thinking about and planning what next. Raise a glass to 2015 and a year of prosperity and success.
Finally there’s one more important planetary configuration to mention which is the Uranus-Pluto square that takes place on the 15th. These two mighty Titans have already met five times in the heavens since June 2012. They clash again this month and their final square is mid-March 2015. This is the final stretch but it’s the same issues recurring.
Pluto is in your work and health sector and Uranus is in your travel, study and wider horizons sector. Put the two together and you may feel restless about work and want to break free from one situation in particular. This may be linked to your beliefs or your principles and knowing that what you do on a daily basis doesn’t always fit comfortably with who you are and the bigger picture of your life. Getting the balance right isn’t easy but come next March, there’s one more challenge and then you can move on. Sometimes it takes a little nudge in the right direction time and again before you get the message. Listen out for what life’s saying to you in the middle of December.