December’s the month to have some good old-fashioned festive fun and as the month progresses so too does your desire to enjoy yourself and have a good time. In fact, some of you will be prioritising social events and nights out with friends and be determined to get on the list of one or two Christmas parties at least.
In fact, it’s being around your friends that helps you make the most of life and enjoy yourself. There are times when we all need to let our hair down, be excessive and laugh outrageously and this month is your chance to do just that.
There are certain dates when you’re almost guaranteed to go over the top and they are the 3rd, the 17th and the 23rd. On these dates, Jupiter, the good time planet, adds fuel to the fire and ensures an abundance of hope, high spirits and general merriment.
The Sun, your ruler, is in your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius until the 21st and on the 11th is joined by Mercury and on the 16th by Venus. It’s these two planets, that together represent socialising and flirting, which confirm you’re in for a good time. If you’re a parent, it doesn’t take much to be swept along by a child’s giddy enthusiasm for all things Christmas to enjoy yourself. So if you start the month feeling all “bah humbug”, then make a concerted effort to find out what’s happening in your local neighbourhood to ensure you throw yourself into the festive spirit and have some fun and let your kids lead the way.
There’s every reason for you to have a fun Christmas and New Year as on Christmas Day, the Moon’s in Gemini, ruling friends and on New Year’s Eve, the Moon’s in your sign of Leo. Do whatever you want to make this festive season special for you, your family and your friends. New Year’s Eve in particular is the perfect evening to ensure you’re the centre of attention and the life and soul of the party.
Sagittarius rules the fun sector of your chart but it’s also to do with creativity and romance. If you’re looking for love, it’s a wonderful opportunity to meet someone new. Best nights for going out or dating are the 13th, 14th and 19th. If you’re a budding artist, novelist or creative type, these are also brilliant dates for finding inspiration and coming across new and different ways to use your talents and skills or promote yourself. If you’re short of ideas, surf the net, read other peoples’ blogs and generally expose yourself to what’s new and current.
This is because of Uranus’ influence this month. Uranus is the planet of spontaneity and rules technology & new trends. On the 13th, the same day as the New Moon Uranus turns direct in your fellow fire sign Aries. This feels sparky, brilliant and suggests a moment of genius. Take note of any invitation that comes your way on or around this date or do something impulsive, even better if this involves a trip away, signing up for a course or doing something that inspires you. It’s about being open to new ways of looking at the world and gaining a fresh perspective.
The majority of this month feels like a fizzy glass of champagne for you but there are also more serious and deeper issues to consider. At the beginning and end of the month, turn your attention to home and family affairs and in particular look to the past and where you come from. Making some significant decisions will help you resolve any problems in these areas and the key word is security.
Mars, the planet of action, spends most of the month strong in Capricorn, ruling your work, health and routine. This gives you a chance to get back on track with your work and to be successful. It’s about doing what you can to ensure that you’re moving in the right direction, whether you take on a part-time job, decide to look for regular work or decide on your goals and ambitions for 2013.
But it’s the end of the month that signifies a real turning point with regard to the foundations of your life as on the 27th, the outer planets Saturn and Pluto work together to enable you to transform your everyday situation. These two major players give you a strong sense of purpose and direction and the last few days of the year are powerful and help you put a new strategy in place that feels solid and secure.
Take the time you need to consolidate all that you’ve achieved in 2012 and draw up a mind map or plan your goals in whichever way works for you for 2013. Whatever you decide, it really is worth taking the time to get it right so you can start 2013 as you mean to go on. Happy Christmas and a fun-filled New Year.
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