Leo (23 July-22 August)
Happy birthday, Leo! The Sun shines bright in Leo until the 23rd and the Sun is not the only planetary body gracing your sign. The Sun’s as good a place to start as any, however, and when the Sun is in your sign it’s time to shine bright, be your authentic self and show the world who you are.
This is of course magnified three-fold because of Jupiter’s presence in your own sign. Jupiter entered Leo mid-July where he remains majestic and proud until August 2015. This month feels especially powerful and celebratory for you as the faster-moving planets connect with Jupiter, the King of the Gods.
Jupiter represents expansion and opportunity and at its best brings you happiness and abundance. This is a brilliant month to work on your image, your appearance and your profile. Whether you’re seeking love or you’re in a powerful position at work, other peoples’ eyes are upon you and you can benefit most now by ensuring that you make a good impression.
Update your love profile on a website, re-write your CV, say Yes to a speaking gig, become the chair of a committee, organise a party, celebration or any other summer get-together. You get the picture; it’s about stepping up and being seen. The more you do so, the more you enjoy your life and the more fulfilled you feel.
Mercury, the communication planet, is in Leo until the 15th and key dates for Mercury are the 2nd and the 8th when Mercury first teams up with Jupiter and then the Sun and Uranus. These planetary combinations are guaranteed to bring good news your way and they’re brilliant dates to book a holiday, sign up for a course or attend a party or celebration. Enter a competition, take risks and live life to the full.
Venus, the planet of love, also enters Leo on the 12th where she remains throughout the rest of the month. When you have the love planet in your sign, you’re attractive to others and your popularity soars. When you look good, you feel good so treat yourself to a new outfit or a facial or a haircut or any other pampering session that boosts your self esteem.
If you’re looking for love, make sure you’re out and about especially on the following dates: Saturday 9th, Monday 18th and Monday 25th. On all these dates, your sign is in the ascendancy and you’re going to be noticed. Remember to smile and be happy and be yourself. A warm-hearted Leo acts like a magnet for the right kind of attention.
Another key date for relationships is the 10th when there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Aquarius/Leo axis of your horoscope. This is a powerful Full Moon but it comes with a proviso as Saturn is square to both the Sun and the Moon from the sign of Scorpio down at the base of your chart. You can make a key decision about love on or around this date but whatever you decide is likely to be final.
Saturn suggests it’s a tough decision and it’s somehow linked to your past, your home or your family. There may be someone close to you who’s putting demands upon you or who you feel responsible for. This may be someone in your family who doesn’t approve of your relationship or alternatively you decide to put love first and family second.
Either way, it’s likely to be a tough choice but trust your heart in knowing what you have to do. For some this is going to be a commit or quit moment and either way you feel the strings of destiny pulling you firmly in one direction.
Mars, the action planet, is also in Scorpio throughout the month creating a pressure cooker of a situation with regard to your home, family, your past or where you come from. It feels intense but also powerful. You’re the one in charge with Mars in Scorpio and you can make things happen now whether you’re involved in a property transaction, need to make decisions about an older family member or a split family or step family scenario is demanding a lot from you.
Take note of what happens on or around the 25th, the day of the New Moon in Virgo, when Mars and Saturn conjoin in the heavens. This is decision time and it’s linked to your finances, money and cash. There’s a chance to negotiate a good deal and it’s important to recognise that you do need to think strategically and keep your eye on the long-term future.
If you’re not very cash-savvy especially when it comes to joint finances, you may need a crash course in money management. If you know that you can be slack with cash, start to pay more attention to your investments/debts/mortgages/insurances, etc. and any money that you share with another person or financial institution.
Saturn will leave Scorpio at the end of this year and what takes place in the last week of August will ensure whether a deal is going to work in your favour. Get tough, be willing to cut your losses if necessary and do what’s best for everyone concerned. You can set things up in such a way that by the end of 2014, a burden or pressure upon you will finally ease. Saturn’s been in Scorpio since October 2012 so this is an ongoing issue. Play your cards right and make sure you have the hand that holds at least once of the aces.