It’s a big month in the heavens and you’re likely to know what this is about for you in the first week. The Sun, your ruler, is in Aries, one of the cardinal signs, up until the 20th and is involved in a Grand Cross aspect pattern in week one.
A Grand Cross is when you get four planets squaring up to one another which means that different people have different agendas and you can’t have what you want in one area of your life without it affecting another area of your life. It’s the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn which stand out this month, the leaders of the zodiac.
Aries rules the area of your life that includes travel, education, philosophy and discovering life’s meaning. It’s the life-expanding areas, considering the bigger picture and having a vision for where you’re heading and why. The disruption comes because it’s not easy getting from A to B and because other people won’t be in agreement with what’s important to you or you find that your own life view is changing and shifting.
The best bet with this potentially challenging scenario is to be flexible and to know that you may have to make decisions suddenly, change plans at the last minute and be willing to defend what you believe in. There’s a fast pace to this month’s stars for you and at times you feel as if you’re running when you’d rather slow down and have time to smell the roses and savour life’s experiences.
Things may peak on or around the Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse on the 15th which cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart. This feels emotional and as Mars is currently retrograde or on go slow in Libra, you may find it more difficult to voice what you’re feeling.
Either that or there’s a key player in your life, someone you’re waiting for to give you the go-ahead and this isn’t happening. If so, be patient as Mars is on go slow until late May. It may be that in one particular area of life, try as you might you can’t force the issue and when you try to get your point across, it’s met with a strong reaction triggering a conflict situation. Choose your battles wisely.
There may be sudden changes too with regard to your working life, your routine or lifestyle and as Pluto’s in the mix, it’s either full on or the opposite and you’re twiddling your thumbs wondering what next. Easter is the major turning point in the heavens when the Grand Cross proper connects so expect a soul-searching few days if you’re at home and thinking about the future.
In some respect, this month may be easier if you’re off travelling and you can indulge your soul-searching on a beach in the sun with a pina colada in hand. Even if you are away, however, it’s worth keeping tabs on what’s going on at home especially with regard to your work, career or vocation and if necessary, change your trip at short notice if it means it would benefit you to do so.
The Sun, your ruler, moves into Taurus and your career sector on the 20th closely followed by Mercury, the planet of communication on the 23rd. The last ten days of the month are extremely powerful for your work and career and the highlight is the New Moon or Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 29th.
New Moons indicate new beginnings and a Solar Eclipse gives this extra oomph. An eclipse always has a commit-or-quit feel about it and sometimes you need to close a door on the past completely before you can move on. However, this Solar Eclipse is powerful for you as it’s backed by helpful aspects in the heavens. This suggests a date with destiny and what takes place feels as if it’s meant to be. This could be something you’ve been working towards since 2011/2012 and here’s the new beginning that you’ve been dreaming about.
When it comes to love and relationships, you’re also entering a new phase. The love planet Venus leaves your relationship sector on the 5th and moves into romantic Pisces. Love is more emotional when Venus is in Pisces and you can create a deeper connection with the one you love.
There’s comfort to be found in a relationship now especially if you are going through a confused or unsettled phase in another area of your life. Love feels supportive, gentle and kind with Venus in Pisces and it can take you places that are yet unexplored. You may feel ready to put down roots with someone new or take a relationship to the next stage.
It’s helpful for exploring your sexuality and creating an intimate relationship that’s based on love and respect. Reach out to others and deepen your connections. Pisces is a caring sign that finds fulfilment in helping and serving others so look to other people in your life as well, especially siblings or neighbours, and be there for them.