Leo Monthly Horoscope September 2015

Sun, LeoLeo (23 July – 22 August)

September’s a big month but there’s a lot going your way as the influence on your sign of Leo isn’t yet over. Admittedly Jupiter, planet of opportunity and growth, departed your sign last month after a 12 month stay but as September begins you still have Venus (love) and Mars (action) in Leo.

On the 1st these two planetary bodies come together in your sign and in mythology Venus and Mars were lovers. This has got to spell good news for relationships, whether you meet someone new, you fall in love, you feel compelled to reach out to someone close or the one you’re with is someone who makes you happy.

Plus five days later on the 6th, Venus turns direct in the heavens after six weeks on go slow. This feels like a significant turning point for you and whether you’ve been having difficulties with love or money, both Venus-ruled, this feels liberating. If there’s someone you want to sort things out with close to you, here’s your opportunity. If you want to make more money or treat yourself or someone close, again this is a positive symbol for abundance and generosity.

Venus remains in your sign throughout September and once Venus turns direct, this boosts your popularity. You’re more attractive with Venus in your sign and people want what you have. It’s a good time to look after yourself and ensure you look good as well as feel good.

Spending money on yourself, either clothes or a beauty treatment, is highly recommended. It’s time to pamper yourself because you’re worth it. Venus rules values and in your sign, you can value yourself highly.

Both Mars and Venus connect in a positive aspect with live wire Uranus on the 8th and 23rd respectively. These are key dates to be spontaneous, to book a holiday, to say Yes to a trip, to do something new, different or adventurous. Uranus sprinkles a little bit of luck in your life when it connects with planets in your own sign. Be on the look out for new people coming into your life on or around the dates mentioned.

New faces and places are an integral part of your month ahead because Mercury, the communication planet, is in sociable Libra throughout September. Libra rules communication in your chart, local connections, siblings and neighbours. This is the time to reach out to others and to widen your social circle. Use social media to good effect to spread your message far and wide.

However, on the 17th Mercury turns retrograde, i.e. it will be on go slow for three weeks until October 9th. This is a double dose of communication chaos for you as Mercury rules communication and it’s retreating through your communication sector.

It’s really important to double check everything during this period. Meetings, interviews, negotiations, etc. If you’re sending an important document, email or text, follow it up to make sure it arrives safely. Same goes if you’re travelling. Be extra vigilant with travel documents and double check times and dates before you head off.

It’s also important to recognise that misunderstandings are rife when Mercury’s up to its tricks and if someone goes quiet on you or surprises you when they change their mind/speak out of turn, be patient and wait and see what happens next month once Mercury’s back up to speed.

The lunar eclipse on the 28th cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart highlighting travel and education and this date in particular could be tricky for these areas. Sometimes eclipses highlight where you can’t make progress and you have to change your plans accordingly.

The big news for you now is money as it’s this area of your chart where the action’s at. On the 13th there’s a powerful solar eclipse in Virgo and your money sector when the Sun, your ruler, and the Moon come together in this part of your chart. Eclipses bring what’s hidden to light and it’s important to ensure you’re on top of money matters before this date.

A solar eclipse is a powerpoint in the heavens so look out for new opportunities which come in at this time. They could prove to be very lucrative but you do have to proceed cautiously especially because Mercury’s on go slow from the 17th. If you can, show your interest but stall signing any contract or investing your money until mid-October when there’s an easier flow in the heavens.

You will be re-evaluating what money means to you this month as well especially because of the major planetary aspect between Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces which takes place on the 17th. This is a powerful planetary combination which arouses your compassion, your generosity. You might feel a calling to help others, to give to charity, to organise a fund-raising event.

This is the opposite of a materialistic showing and whether you’re wealthy or not, you’ll be reconsidering what money means to you and how you want to spend it. Taking good care of others as well as yourself is a priority and if you are in a difficult situation financially, then reach out and ask for support or help.

Action planet Mars enters this same sector of your chart on the 25th and almost immediately clashes with the planet Saturn. Nothing is straightforward here with regard to cash and money and you do have to push hard or fight for what’s rightfully yours.

It’s also going to be a month when you need to look at your own spending and where your money goes. What can you afford, what do you want to invest in, etc. See this as a transitional period when you’re re-evaluating your own financial situation.

Finally this month, Saturn leaves Scorpio and your home and family sector on the 18th. This is the planetary equivalent of letting loose your anchor. You’re no longer held back by the past and you feel less shackled by duty or responsibility.

Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius triggers a reassessment of what gives you pleasure. You might have to work a little harder than usual when it comes to romance, children & pregnancy or a creative project. Whatever you’re about to get involved in, you must realise that it’s going to be a long-term commitment.

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