Leo (23 July – 22 August)
The beginning of the month is the best time to focus on personal relationships and establish a happy equilibrium within your one-to-ones. This is because Venus, the planet of love, is in your relationship sector until the 12th.
In addition, Venus teams up with the two planets which symbolise the ‘other’ in your chart, your partner.
These two planets are Saturn and Uranus and Venus connects with these two on the 1st and 3rd respectively. It’s an easy connection, the planetary equivalent of holding hands. If there is anything you want to discuss or sort out when it comes to your close relationships, make it happen right at the beginning of March.
Another important factor linked to love and romance is the arrival of action planet Mars in Sagittarius on the 6th. Mars rules passion but also anger and Sagittarius is your romance sector. This is great for pursuing new love, for chasing after a lover but it adds a tempestuous quality to your closest connections.
The Sun, your ruling planetary body, is in another part of your chart connected to relationships. Yet this is more hidden, more secretive. The Sun is in Pisces until the 20th of the month and this highlights taboo issues. This part of your chart is linked to sex, money, death and rebirth. You can’t avoid dealing with more serious issues and deeper concerns when it comes to love and in life in general.
As the month progresses, a host of planets gather in this sector of your chart. This will mean different things to you depending on your personal situation. Venus enters Pisces on the 12th and Neptune and Chiron are here too. So there’s a theme of compassion, caring and perhaps healing.
If you’re a typical Leo, you’re a big hearted, generous personality and your desire to help other people fuels your energy and zest for life. This month, you may be tempted to step out of your comfort zone to help other people, either financially or emotionally. Yet there is an intense energy around giving and receiving and this is partly due to the Solar Eclipse which takes place in Pisces on the 9th.
This can indicate that the boundaries between yourself and other people are vulnerable and that the veil between this world and the next is thin. If you work as a psychic or healer, take care of your own energy and don’t give overly. The same goes if you’re involved more than usual with other peoples’ worries or concerns. Be there for others but learn to keep firm boundaries in place so you don’t lose yourself in the process.
There is great potential for healing and compassionate acts of kindness with this month’s astrology as long as you’re aware of the boundless quality and emotional nature of Pisces. Keep yourself grounded in the month ahead.
Pisces also rules money in your chart and specifically joint finances and shared resources. Here too there’s a shadowy, slippery theme due to the eclipse so keep sight of the facts and figures when it comes to money, engage your business head and make sensible financial decisions. It’s not the best month to be lending or borrowing huge amounts of money but instead ensure your money is safe and secure.
You do have Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in your money sector so this is good news for your financial well-being, your wealth. In addition, on the 16th, Jupiter teams up in a stunning planetary aspect with Pluto in your work sector.
Both these planets are in earth signs and you need a strong earth element when it comes to work and finances. This is the practical, down-to-earth realm so either engage these qualities within yourself or seek out someone who embodies these productive qualities. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are the earth signs.
Any work or money opportunity that is prominent on or around the 16th is worth saying yes to. This is the real deal rather than a fantasy, pie in the sky, too good to be true offer.
Yet work isn’t foreground for you this month. This is partly due to Mars, the action planet, in your fellow fire sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius rules all the good things in life such as romance, children, creative projects, entertainment, fun and luck. You want to indulge yourself with Mars in this sector of your chart and you want to prioritise pleasure and good times.
In addition, the Sun enters the fire sign Aries on the 20th heralding the spring equinox (fall equinox if you live in the southern hemisphere). Aries rules all activities which broaden your horizons. This inspires travel, study, seeking out the meaning of life, spiritual goals. You want to experience life to the full when the Sun is in this sector of your chart.
There is a second eclipse in March on the 23rd which cuts across the Aries/Libra axis. This highlights travel and education so be flexible on or around the eclipse. If something doesn’t work out, consider your alternatives.
You might find that something better takes its place and a stunning Sun/Mars aspect over the Easter weekend (25th-28th) is guaranteed to thrill and delight you. The more you allow yourself to go with the flow and follow where life leads this month, the happier and easier your experience.
That was a pretty cool report Sally. Thank you
Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the comment. best, Sally