Leo Monthly Horoscope January 2016

2016, LeoLeo (23 July – 22 August)

Your ruler the Sun is firmly established in the earth sign Capricorn as the year begins. Capricorn is the sign which rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health.

There’s often a desire for a simple life when this part of your chart is highlighted and once you get the basics right, the rest can follow.

You might have good intentions to focus on these areas, especially your health and lifestyle as 2016 gets underway but this is not a year when New Year resolutions are going to be easy to keep. This is because there’s another planet in Capricorn as the year begins and this is Mercury, the planet of communication.

On January 5th, Mercury turns retrograde and from the 8th until the 25th, Mercury is retreating through this same sector of your chart. This can mean that plans go awry, you change your mind quickly or life simply gets in the way of smooth and steady progress.

It’s always important to be flexible when Mercury’s on go slow and not give yourself a hard time if you can’t stay on track with your New Year resolutions or goals. Go with the flow and know that the unexpected will play its part.

Plus you might discover that even though you thought you knew what you wanted/where you were heading in life as January begins, something better comes along that grabs your attention. This is because there’s a New Moon in Capricorn on the 10th followed by some sensational astrology between the Sun, Mercury and lucky Jupiter over the following few days.

This might indicate a job you can’t refuse, a lucrative work contract, a way of earning money that makes your heart sing. Look out for new opportunities and know that sometimes it’s worth changing track mid-journey in order to pursue something completely different.

For some, January’s changeable astrology means you might have to postpone a trip away, reschedule a holiday or forego a course or workshop. Go with the flow as best you can and know that once Mercury turns direct on the 25th, you can move forward with confidence.

Another key area of your life this month is your home and family as Mars, the action planet, enters Scorpio and the home and family sector of your chart on the 3rd. You might find that these areas of your life demand your attention and become more pressing. Mars ‘ups the pace’ and often brings with it a sense of urgency.

Plus Mars remains here for a longer time than usual throughout 2016 because from mid-April to late June, Mars is retrograde or on go slow. Home and family affairs will keep you busy from now until early August whether you’re planning a move, looking after someone close to you or there’s a new addition to your family.

The 18th is a special date for this area of your life whether you can help someone close to you or you’re offered help either emotionally or financially.

Yet the big event in January focuses on love and relationships and this is an intriguing time for your 1-to-1’s. The first week of the month indicates a false start, putting your toe into the water but almost immediately backtracking and changing your mind.

This is because talk planet Mercury enters Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 2nd but three days later on the 5th, Mercury turns retrograde and three days after that on the 8th, Mercury moves out of your relationship zone.

A conversation might backfire, someone avoids you or turns evasive or you’re unsure of your own mind and where your heart lies. If this is the case, don’t rush into anything. There may be pressure on you to reply to an ultimatum or to say Yes when you really mean No or I don’t know.

Notice what happens on or around the 9th when love planet Venus teams up with Saturn. Venus is in Sagittarius and your romance sector until the 23rd so there’s a lot of joy to be had and love is highlighted in your life.

Yet Saturn’s not an easy planet and can often stop you in your tracks. Yes, it promises commitment and longevity when it comes to love but it’s not always about choice. Practise safe sex this month, don’t let someone ‘bully’ you into a relationship or commitment and ensure that you do things your way. When in doubt, take your time.

The turning point comes on the 24th when there’s a brilliant Full Moon in Leo, your sign. Here’s your chance to know what you want and declare your true intentions. This is an emotional Full Moon and this month’s stars indicate that big events can have a knock-on effect for you when it comes to love and relationships.

It might be a pregnancy, meeting someone with children or being with a partner who’s indecisive for their own reasons. Yes, happiness is there for the taking but be clear about your inner motivation and know that you might not be able to have everything that you want.

It’s the last week of the month which shows you clearly what you need to do and where you need to lay your hat. New information comes to light once Mercury turns direct the day after the Full Moon and you recognise that it’s important for yourself and others that you’re clear about your romantic intentions.

If this means deciding you want to be on your own right now, so be it, but that’s certainly not the case for every Leo. Affection and adoration make your heart sing and you’re at your best when you’re loved for who you are.

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