Leo Monthly Horoscope February 2016

IMG_0659Leo (23 July – 22 August)

The Sun is in your opposite sign of Aquarius as the month begins. This is both good and bad news. Firstly, the good news. The Sun in Aquarius highlights your love life and close relationships.

This is a promising time for close connections and you can start to sort out any muddles or misunderstandings which lead to confusion as 2016 began.

The period from the 3rd-6th is extremely helpful in this respect. Make time for love, work at your close relationships and most importantly be flexible. You can’t be stubborn now and it may be time for a rethink about love and the possibility of doing things differently. 

If you’ve taken love for granted or become set in your ways, shake things up a little and be open to another person’s ideas or suggestions. Ring the changes, add excitement to your love life and find new activities for you both to look forward to.

If you’re looking for love, circle the 8th in your diary. This is the day of the New Moon in Aquarius, a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. Set your intentions when it comes to love, be proactive, take the initiative and lead the way. Be spontaneous in your love life and everyone will benefit, yourself included.

February is of course the month which includes Valentines Day and supposedly the most romantic day of the year. This year there is good news for you on the love front because Mercury, the communication planet, enters Aquarius and your relationship sector the day before, the 13th. Do something special, spend money on a luxury gift or go out for an indulgent meal. In other words, make a special effort.

Plus three days later, love planet Venus also enters Aquarius and this is another indication that the more you focus on love and relationships this month, the better. Whether love’s going your way or not right now, the more time and attention you give to your 1-to-1’s, the better your chances of success and happiness.

So what’s the bad news with so much emphasis on your opposite sign? Put simply, it means you’re not the star of the show and being a Leo you like to shine, to be adored. This month you have to take other people’s needs into account and you can’t have everything your own way. Learn to compromise and be appreciative of what people close to you once want, and you can learn a great deal about love and relationships.

In addition, you might find having to deal constantly with other people saps your energy. There may be more demands on your time this month or more people in your life who are in need of emotional support. Keep clear boundaries in place between yourself and others and be wary of being too giving or dropping yourself out. Work at relationships, yes, but keep on top of your own life and needs too.

Other areas that are highlighted this month include your work and lifestyle, your health and your home and family. In the first two weeks of February you’re completing what began in January. You need to sort things out so you know where you stand work wise and so you can look after yourself on a daily basis.

A regular routine benefits you now so try and limit your work to set hours, be more efficient with the way you handle admins and e-mails and pare things back to eliminate stress from your life. This is a key month to adopt healthy habits, to do something new that boosts your fitness levels and to look after yourself, mind body and soul.

At work too, deal with difficult colleagues or clients efficiently. If you’ve spent a lot of time in the past trying to placate someone you work with, contemplate a different approach. Deal briskly with people you clash with and aim to spend more of your time with people you enjoy and get on with well.

It’s also important to get on top of home and family affairs and to push forward with plans and ideas in both these key areas of life. Action planet Mars is now strong in this sector of your chart and this adds drive and determination to the mix.

Whether you’re dealing with builders, you’re caught up with DIY or you want to move home, take the pace fast this month. The more you get done now, the easier you make your life in the coming months. There will be times throughout 2016 when you feel as if you’re taking one step forward two steps back with regard to home and family affairs, So even more reason to go for it now.

Money is in flow as February begins so if you do have to spend money on a family occasion or home improvements, this is a good time to do so. On the 19th, your ruler the Sun enters Pisces and your joint finance sector.

Three days later, the Full Moon highlights the money axis of your chart. This may be the time you have some big decisions to make with regard to cash and money matters. Be sensible with money and avoid any transaction which leaves you feeling in a muddle.

On the 28th, the day of the Sun/Neptune conjunction your judgement is clouded and it’s not the time to trust someone else’s financial advice. Get your money in order early in the month and do yourself a favour.

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