Leo May 2019

Leo, tulips

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Looking Ahead

This is the time of year when your ruler, the Sun, is in Taurus, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope. The Sun remains here until the 21st which means it’s an excellent month to look ahead, to decide where you’re going and why.

Taurus rules your career and vocation, status and reputation. Look back over previous years to see whether May was a stand-out month for you. This time around, the planetary vibe is forward-moving and, on the whole, the Sun gets helpful aspects from other key planets. Therefore, focus on these areas of life and see what you can achieve over the next few weeks.

This starts with the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, a symbol of new beginnings. This is a pure New Moon. It gets support from Neptune in Pisces and your joint finance sector, exact on the 9th. Then, from Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and your work and lifestyle sector, exact on the 11th & 14th respectively.

Team Work

Plus, as the month continues, other key planets join the Sun in Taurus. Communication planet, Mercury, is here from the 6th until the 21st and the planet of relating, Venus, enters Taurus on the 15th.

Look to your colleagues, socialise and focus on team work during these periods. Both Mercury and Venus are socially-oriented so this is about creating strong bonds with other people, learning to manage and delegate well.

Ring The Changes

It has to be said that there is another factor influencing your career and vocation. This is the planet of change, Uranus, which took up residence in Taurus in March and was conjunct your ruler, the Sun, last month on April 22nd.

This month, Uranus is in action on the 8th & 18th, when it teams up first with Mercury, then Venus. Uranus can be innovative and new, as it’s the planet associated with all things modern and technological.

When it falls in your career sector, you might be setting off on a new path or want to embrace more space and freedom in your career. It can be a good time to go freelance or work differently in some way. Sometimes, you find that you can’t do things the way you always have done in the past. Life steps in to move you on or shows you where change is required.

Full Moon Celebrations

This planetary influence culminates at the Full Moon on the 18th. This is an important Full Moon for you because it cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your horoscope. 

This Full Moon may bring an award or a completion of a deadline or project. There could be a surprise involved as the Full Moon takes place the same day as the Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. 

Perhaps, you’re celebrating someone else’s good news or you discover someone’s star-struck over you. Both love and money are potentially in the mix. Uranus is one of your partner planets, so this suggests exciting events for your other half or meeting someone unexpectedly via your working life.

Decision Time

For some of you, this month may require a compromise, especially if you’re busy at work. A trip away or a study course could be postponed or even cancelled early in the month. Planets in fire sign, Aries, run into Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and your work and health sector.

You might be disappointed if you’ve put in for holiday leave or you have to cover for someone else. The key dates are the 1st & 2nd, the 7th & 9th. Bear this in mind and see if you can find a way around any blocks or obstacles that emerge. 

A child could help you out or perhaps a lover. Jupiter’s the key planet in this respect and Jupiter’s active the weekend of the New Moon in Taurus from the 3rd to the 5th.

Note too that the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th also highlights home and family affairs. The thrust of this month’s astrology is taking you out into the world. Yet, you still have some responsibilities or duties which require your time and attention. These need to be factored in, especially if your schedule is busy, erratic or you’re starting a new business or project.

Group Connections

Friends are also in the mix this month thanks to Mars in Gemini until the 16th. In fact, some friends could be getting pushy and may demand too much of you. Alternatively, you might find that you have a real drive for networking and using your connections to boost your own prospects.

This is certainly worth doing because on the 21st, your ruler, the Sun joins Gemini along with communication planet, Mercury. On the same day, these two planetary bodies make a super conjunction. 

Choose this date for an important meeting or interview or check out a group, club or society. It might bring good news your way or you hear of an initiative and you know you want to get involved.

Mars is slowing you down a little after the 16th when it enters Cancer and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. This indicates a need for retreat or more privacy in your life. Perhaps, too much gossip and information requires a reset. 

It’s certainly a lively month on the whole with a lot of different elements to juggle. Pace yourself and prioritise your own career, status and reputation. This is where you can make the biggest strides in the month ahead.

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