Leo (23 July – 22 August)
Your ruler, the Sun, is flying high in the star sign Taurus until the 21st and you’re the one in charge. Hoorah! Taurus rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation and this is an excellent time to focus on your future and make some long-term plans.
It often indicates a period of hard work when you have the Sun in Taurus, but think of this as laying strong foundations for the future. Plus, events mid-month may also play a significant role in what next.
Also, until the 16th, you have action planet Mars in Capricorn and your work and routine sector. So this is where there’s some full-on planetary activity and you’re wise to keep your focus on what’s happening.
If you sense that your own work situation has been relentless of late or your health has been suffering, then take note. You may be in a situation which involves some tricky office politics and difficult encounters or meetings are taking their toll.
The first two weeks of May could be particularly argumentative and it won’t be easy if you’re coming into contact with people who have very different views or beliefs to your own. Either that or you’re having to deal with people from different backgrounds or cultures and you may not always understand their language or traditions.
On the other hand, it might be as simple as trying to get time off work for a holiday and finding yourself caught up in the middle of clashing wants and needs.
What is important in the first two weeks of May is to prepare yourself ready for mid-month. This is because there’s incredibly lively activity taking place from the 13th to the 15th. This could be the time when your career takes off like a rocket or perhaps you’re ready to throw in the towel and hand over the reins of your business or job to someone else.
Firstly, communication planet Mercury joins your ruler the Sun in Taurus on the 13th where it remains until the 29th. Mercury is the communication planet and this is often a lively time of meetings and negotiations. You have to think on your feet and learn to act fast.
Secondly, there’s a once-in-a-lifetime planetary transit concerning Uranus on the 15th, the same day as a stunning New Moon in Taurus. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. It’s an excellent time to set your intentions and line up some new career goals.
The bigger factor, however, is the fact that Uranus moves into Taurus on the same day for the first time in eighty-four years. Uranus will dip out of Taurus from November 2018 to March 2019 but then it returns for the next seven years.
This could be a truly exciting and revolutionary time for you when perhaps you completely change what you want to do career-wise. Uranus is unconventional and original and doesn’t want to toe the line.
Uranus is also the planet of technology and all things new. You might be moving a business online or use the internet to boost your profile or reach a wider audience. Or perhaps you’re simply ready to turn things upside down and try something new.
Note that when Uranus is active, external circumstances often bring about change, ready or not. Certainly, one thing it will be difficult to do this month is stay put in the same job and do nothing.
There’s another major planetary factor which is key in this respect. This involves action planet Mars moving into your opposite sign of Aquarius on the 16th. Mars is going to be in Aquarius for almost six months so you’re either up against tough opposition or you can boost your own position by aligning with the right people.
What takes place immediately after Mars’ move into Aquarius, however, requires careful handling. Mars runs into Uranus and this is a clash which could prove volatile. The 16th is not the date for impulsive moves or taking unnecessary risks. You might also find out how other people are going to be involved in changes in your own life.
You may choose to follow a partner somewhere new as they’re changing their employment. Or perhaps someone close decides to follow their vocation and prioritise their purpose in life above their love life. One way or another, this feels like a shift in personnel or priorities as people come and go.
Wait a while if you need to make a big decision that involves other people in your life. On the 21st, the Sun, your ruler, enters Gemini and your friendship and group sector. This can be a political period or you may become more involved in wider society.
Three days later, on the 24th, the Sun aligns with Mars in Aquarius and this is a strong combination and brilliant for taking the initiative. Find the right group of people and you can make things happen and fast.
Love too is intriguing later on in the month as Venus enters Cancer on the 19th and the most hidden sector of your horoscope, This often flags up a secret affair or unrequited love, perhaps with someone you work with.
Mars in Aquarius can also bring passion, although arguments too. And, the Full Moon falls in Sagittarius and your romance sector on the 29th. Your love life could take you on an intriguing journey in the month ahead.
Finally, home and family matters are where prosperity lies as big planet Jupiter in Scorpio continues to boost these areas of your life. Plus, on the 25th, Jupiter connects with Neptune in Pisces and your joint finance sector. This feels emotional, charitable, giving and whatever arises on or around this date is a welcome break from more lively planetary energy out in the world. Find your safe place.