Leo March 2020

golden, Leo

The Sun, your ruler, is in water sign Pisces until the 20th. Pisces is an emotional, sentimental star sign, sensitive and caring. This sector of your horoscope is about money on the one hand, also things that are hidden. You may be dealing with deep emotions while the Sun is here. Or venturing into unknown territory.

Turning Points

Communication planet, Mercury, has also been in Pisces but retrograde since February 17th. This is not the time to make major decisions or investments but this changes on the 9th/10th when two key events take place.

Firstly, there’s a powerful Full Moon on the 9th cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the horoscope. This is the financial axis in your chart and Full Moons often bring clarity. You see your situation clearly and you’re wise to trust your intuition.

This is an exceptionally powerful Full Moon as it pulls in key planets; Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Capricorn. There’s some magic involved, whether you receive a gift or you have a sense of life being in flow.

The day after the Full Moon, on the 10th, Mercury turns direct and this is always a green light in astrology. You may hear news you’ve been waiting for. Or perhaps, you receive a payment or information that helps you make a key decision.

Mercury returns to Pisces on the 16th and moves out of its shadow phase on the 29th. Use this period to renegotiate finances and get back on track with money matters. Line up key meetings or interviews to ensure you know where you’re heading and why, both financially and emotionally. Often, the two are linked.

Work & Health

Capricorn remains an important star sign this month as Mars is here, the planet of action. Plus, you have lucky Jupiter, the planet of good fortune in Capricorn throughout 2020. These two planets meet on the 20th, a key date for taking action, especially with regard to your work and health.

These are the areas of your life that Capricorn rules – your work and routine, your lifestyle and health and service to others. There’s a lot of planetary energy here throughout March and some changes are imminent.

After Mars meets Jupiter, it encounters Pluto in Capricorn on the 23rd. This whole period feels intense as pressures build. For some of you, this could coincide with the end of a project or job. Or perhaps, you recognise where life is overly stressful and you need to make changes.

Venus In Taurus

Certainly, this feels as if it’s an important month for you with regard to your work and career, your vocation and future path. There’s not only strong emphasis on the star sign Capricorn but Venus, the planet of relating, is in Taurus and your career sector from the 5th onwards.

The key date here is the 8th when there’s a Venus/Uranus conjunction in your work sector. As this coincides with the Full Moon cutting across your money axis, you would expect this to be a time of change.

It might be that external circumstances are the reason for a new wave coming in. Or perhaps, an opportunity that’s too good to miss out on. Be open to all things new and do what you can to ensure your life works for you rather than the other way around, i.e. work to live, rather than live to work.

Venus is helpful at the end of March on the 28th and 29th. This promises support from someone in a position of influence. Or, finding the right team to work alongside. Lean on other people when necessary and don’t feel you have to go it alone.

Saturn Rules Partnership

This is another key feature of your current astrology as Aquarius, your opposite sign, begins to take prominence. Firstly, communication planet, Mercury retreats into Aquarius on the 4th and turns direct here on the 10th. This could be a significant turning point for a close relationship.

If you want to have a big conversation with someone in your life, whether personal or professional, do so on or after the 10th. The 22nd is another key date for negotiations, especially with regard to your work and future path.

More importantly, your partner planet, Saturn, is on the move. For the first time in 30 years, Saturn enters Aquarius on the 22nd where it remains until July 1st. It returns to Aquarius on December 17th where it remains for the subsequent two years.

As Saturn rules endings and commitment, this could go either way depending on your personal situation. A joint venture or business partnership could come to an end. Or, a personal relationship reaches a peak point. You need to decide whether you’re on or off. There are no in-betweens when Saturn takes charge.

To add to the heat of the situation, passionate Mars enters Aquarius on the 30th and immediately joins Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius on the 31st.

This can play out in different ways but it’s important to note that this will be a definitive time for your one-to-ones. You’re either giving a relationship your all. Or perhaps, you encounter an individual who’s going to play a significant role in your life moving forwards. One way or another, it’s a tipping point.

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