Leo June 2018

Solstice, Leo

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

It’s time to turn your attention away from work and towards the more social side of life and what brings you pleasure. You may still be feeling the after-shocks of Uranus’ move into Taurus and your career sector last month. For now, reorient yourself via the people in your life and prioritise play above work.

As June begins, your ruler, the Sun, is in Gemini, one of the air signs and a social sector of your horoscope. This is not only about your friendships but any groups in which you’re involved. This encourages the side of your nature that wants to join in with other people and make a difference, whether you’re on a political, socially-oriented or environmental quest. 

The Sun and Mercury unite in Gemini on the 6th and one week later, on the 13th, there’s a stunning New Moon in Gemini, a symbol of new beginnings. Both dates are great for reconnecting with friends or joining a club, group or society. Try to leave money and strong emotions out of the equation and focus instead on keeping your friendships light and amicable.

You need your friends now for all sorts of reasons. Having fun is one possibility, but also turn to them for advice, a shoulder to lean on, encouragement and sharing gossip and ideas.

Your 1-to-1 relationships are also under the spotlight this month and, for some Leo individuals, June promises passion. You have Mars, the passion planet, in your opposite star sign Aquarius. There may be a lot to discuss or process now when it comes to your close relationships, both personal and professional.

You benefit from having someone in your life who’s leading the way, shouldering a burden perhaps or driving forth a mutual project. There may be one or two bumps along the way, however, as Mars rules anger as well as drive and ambition. You could find yourself up against strong competition this month or have a fight on your hands with a certain individual in your life.

Love may be part of the picture too and, up until the 13th, love planet Venus, is in Cancer and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. This often flags up an affair, an illicit love or unrequited feelings. For some reason, you need to keep your emotions private.

This may be tricky especially on the 1st and 2nd of the month when there’s a Grand Water Trine including Venus, expansive Jupiter and romantic Neptune. Water equals emotion and this is a real flow of feelings, even a deluge.

Money too seems to be part of the equation, whether you’re dealing with a property matter or you have money or a gift that you inherit or comes from your past. You may find yourself turning your attention towards loved ones, your upbringing, the place you come from. Follow where your emotions lead and practise forgiveness.

The flow of love remains constant when it’s given and received freely. Events close to the 19th and 21st may reveal more about what this means for you. Who’s by your side, who repays a favour? The flow of karma kicks in during the dates mentioned.

It does feel as if you’re dealing with some private issues this month and, therefore, it’s important to keep some time for yourself. Communication planet Mercury is in Cancer from the 12th to the 29th and your ruler the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice.

This is an ideal time for retreat and prioritising your inner life, rest and relaxation. You may be caring for someone close or perhaps you need extra loving care yourself. Don’t take on too much this month, instead keep the pace of life slow and rely on your friends to help when needed.

There are some tricky oppositions taking place this month too, on the 16th, 23rd and 27th, culminating in the Full Moon on the 28th. These oppositions and the Full Moon cut across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. For you, this highlights your work and your health and the power duo Saturn and Pluto dominate.

This could mean you need to back down from a heavy work schedule to prioritise your health or perhaps you’re finding one job or project hard-going. Saturn and Pluto often symbolise control or limitation, not being able to have things your own way, which can be hard for you as a Sun Leo. Make any major work or health decision around the Full Moon and do what’s right for you.

There is strong potential, however, for love this month, especially once the planet of relating, Venus, graces your star sign Leo from the 13th onwards. Venus in your star sign is gorgeous for pampering or treating yourself. This is the planet of beauty too.

You want life to be easy and gentle when you have Venus in your star sign and you appreciate simple pleasures. One of this month’s challenges, however, is to get your love life on an even keel. Venus clashes with Mars on the 21st, the lovers of the heavens opposing each other across the zodiac.

So something may be out of balance or perhaps, you need to gently remind your partner or someone special how you want to be loved, what makes you feel loved. Mars in your relationship sector is full on. Sex dominates over love. This won’t suit you at all throughout June, as you are tapping into gentler vibes.

Note, however, that Mars turns retrograde on the 26th and remains on go slow for the following two months until August 27th. Someone may back off or retreat from you, whether this is your choice or their decision.

Either way, it feels as if an important partnership has to go on hold or change its dynamic. Think what this might mean for you and know that, come September, you get a second chance to work things out between you.

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