Leo July 2021

Leo July 2021, sunflower

There’s a lot going on in your star sign Leo this month. Leo rules your image and profile, your personal goals and aims so it’s about you.

It’s not your birthday month until the 22nd, the date that the Sun enters Leo this year. However, action planet Mars is in Leo until the 29th and the planet of relating Venus is in Leo until the 22nd.

Love & Relationships

These are the two planets that are linked to love and sex so it’s potentially a passionate month for you. The stand-out date is the 13th when there’s a Venus-Mars conjunction in your star sign. This is the only time this year that the lovers of the heavens unite and it could be special.

This may be about love or money or being around people of influence. See what occurs in your life.

Plus, the Full Moon on the 24th is important for relationships as it falls in Aquarius and your relationship sector. Full Moons often bring matters to completion or culmination.

In fact, relationships get better as the month goes on. This is due to the important move of big planet Jupiter back into Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 28th. Jupiter remains here until the end of the year and Jupiter’s themes are opportunity and freedom.

There may be a foreign connection to your love life. Or, perhaps you meet someone through a place of education. Either way, Jupiter can help shift your relationships in the right direction. This is important because of what’s happening earlier in July.

Mars & Venus Clashes

This is when there’s some tricky astrology and it all takes place in the first week of July. Both Mars and Venus run into the Saturn-Uranus clash and these two planets are co-rulers of your relationship sector.

Saturn can flag up a disappointment or a block or obstacle. Someone who’s unavailable or who lets you down. This could be personally or professional. The key dates to note are the 1st & 7th.

Then, on the 4th & 8th, both Venus and Mars clash with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. Therefore, this period of the month feels fiery and tempestuous.

Tempers could flare during this peak time of the month so be aware of this and try not to act impulsively. Uranus is currently in Taurus and your career and vocation sector and this is the other area of your life where there’s a lot going on. 

It might feel as if you don’t fit in at work or that other people are getting ahead while you’re left out. This could be professionally or socially in relation to your work colleagues. You’re wise to concentrate more on your goals and aims this month rather than try and please other people.

If things don’t work out as you would like early in July, do whatever you can to build your self-esteem and confidence and work towards your goals, your next steps.

Be aware that you could also get pulled in to other people’s disputes or business. In fact, you might  find yourself at the forefront of a protest or new developments.

Slowing Down

Try not to wear yourself out, however, especially if you’re dealing with authority figures or bureaucracy. Your ruler, the Sun is in Cancer unto the 22nd.

Cancer rules the hidden sector in your horoscope and sometimes this flags up a secret enemy or someone working against you. The 17th is a tricky date in this respect.

Yet, Cancer rules rest and retreat in your horoscope, so create more space and quiet time for yourself. Listen to your natural instincts and slow down so you can hear your inner voice. 

Caring for yourself and others is a key theme of the month’ astrology. You may choose to follow a spiritual path and let go of outer achievements.

That’s the most radical outcome of what’s happening. Yet, in some way, large or small, you could be shifting your priorities and want to spend more time on your own.

Recharged & Refreshed

Also, it is hard to keep a good Leo down! And, if you do look after yourself well this month, you can recharge those batteries and find yourself feeling refreshed and rejuvenated by the time the Sun enters your star sign, Leo, on the 22nd. 

The Sun rules vitality and energy and it’s a real confidence boost when it moves into your star sign. Use the astrology to plot and plan your next steps ready to take action late July and into early August.

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