Leo January 2019

New Year, Leo

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

January could prove to be a confusing month at times as the astrology paints a complex picture. Your ruler, the Sun, is in the earth sign Capricorn until the 20th. This highlights your work and routine, your lifestyle and health. These are the main areas where you’re wise to take the pace slow.

The reason why this month could add more drama than some is because of the eclipses. They often coincide with ups and downs which could unsettle your routine. The Solar or New Moon eclipse takes place on the 6th in Capricorn and the Lunar or Full Moon eclipse takes place on the 21st cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac. 

Eclipses are game changers. They bring a new dimension, a fresh perspective to life and they’re often linked to dramatic events. If you’re looking for work use the Solar Eclipse energy to take advantage of changes in your department or seek out a new job. Often, during eclipses someone wins and someone loses. The trick is to act fast so you end up on the winning team.

Yet, with eclipses there’s a sense that you need to close a door on the past before you can start afresh. The Solar Eclipse could coincide with a job change or unexpected events at work. This is unsettled territory and it’s important to monitor your stress levels closely. With regard to your health, keep an open mind. Switch your routine, try a new diet, explore different remedies. If you’re feeling under the weather, take life gently and hold on to the mantra, ‘one day at a time’.

The Sun and Moon are wedged between Saturn and Pluto at the Solar Eclipse, which is an extreme planetary energy. If you don’t get on with your work colleagues, events in January could be the final straw.

You might experience periods this month when you’re in touch with the whole range of your emotions, fear, sadness or anxiety, but especially close to the eclipse date. If so, listen to your body, accept your limitations and go back to basics. Tapping into your creative or spiritual source will help too. Plus, if you feel bored or unmotivated, seek a fresh perspective.

Even though this month’s astrology is potentially unsettling, this could be the catalyst you need to set off on a new journey. This is because action planet Mars enters your fellow fire sign Aries on the 1st, New Year’s Day. Aries rules travel and study in your horoscope, the bigger picture.

If everyday matters aren’t working out, you have a chance this month to say Yes to life, embrace new experiences and do life your way. Use this an excuse to do something different and exciting in the month ahead. If you can distinguish between work and career, what you do for a living and your true vocation, choose the higher calling. 

The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st highlights your 1-to-1 encounters and this is a peak time for love and close relationships. You often see your situation clearly during Full Moon energy when the Moon is at its brightest. This is not the time to avoid or hide your feelings or brush anything under the carpet.

Instead, trust your emotions because this is your Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon as it falls in your star sign, Leo. Look honestly at what you want when it comes to love and commit or quit. Note that this eclipse ends the Leo/Aquarius eclipse cycle which began in August 2016. It’s the end of a chapter.

It depends on your personal situation what this means for you but aim to take control, whether other people do what you want or not. 

There is an added planetary factor which hints at this eclipse being special for you. Or at least, ending one chapter of your life so you can move on and embrace something new and exciting.

Firstly, the planet of love, Venus, enters Sagittarius and your romance sector on the 7th. This is a gorgeous placing for Venus, a time to be open to love and allow love in. Open your heart, be compassionate and giving and seek out people in your life who are kind and caring. Move away from love that’s dispiriting or damages your soul.

Jupiter is also in Sagittarius and is boosted by Venus’ arrival in its star sign. This suggests that you’re at the start of a period when love can flourish. The 22nd is the date to note when Venus and Jupiter sit side-by-side and shine bright together. This is one of the best dates of the year and it falls the day after the Lunar Eclipse in Leo. This could be spectacular.

Sagittarius doesn’t only rule love and romance in your life. It’s linked to children and pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment, luck and fun. It’s basically all the good things in life, what you create and give birth to.

As January continues and the focus towards play rather than work, aim for an easy life rather than a hard slog. If the eclipses bring change to your current work situation, see whether you can use this opportunity to sweep out what’s old and allow new energy in.

This is the plus side of eclipses, although this often comes with hindsight. When you’re in the midst of turmoil or uncertainty, it’s hard to see the benefits. Look to your own happiness and what you want more of in your life. 

This month’s astrology requires a leap of faith if you’re to follow your heart and do what feels right rather than what you’re told to do or what you think you should be doing. Events towards the end of January will reveal more and show you where fun, enjoyment and love reside.

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