October could turn out to be the pivotal month of the year. There’s so much big astrology taking place echoing what’s coming in 2023. Here’s what’s most significant for you to take note of:
Mercury Turns Direct
As soon as the month begins, the planet of communication Mercury turns direct in Virgo and your personal money sector on the 2nd. Mercury’s been retrograde, i.e. on go slow since September 10th and it’s been quite a chaotic few weeks.
Therefore, this is a positive turning point as October begins. News or information may come to light that’s helpful for you. It’s a good date to reopen the lines of communication, chase up monies owed and get things organised financially.
This may be linked to what’s happening at work or regarding your routine. On the 7th, Mercury in Virgo aligns with Pluto in Capricorn and, the following day, on the 8th, Pluto turns direct. This links money and work in your horoscope and it’s an excellent time to agree a salary or get a financial matter signed and sealed.
Pluto’s been in Capricorn and your work and health sector since 2008 but in 2023, Pluto starts to shift star sign and move on. There may be a job or project that you’re involved in that first comes to completion in March of next year.
Full Moon Aries
This month, there may be a lot to discuss, arrange and agree upon. The air signs dominate, Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Up until the 23rd, your ruler the Sun is in Libra and your communication sector. This is a time when you may be involved in sales & marketing. Or, perhaps you’re playing a key role within your local community.
On the 9th, there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac. This is partly about education for you, about learning, knowledge, principles & beliefs. You may be taking part in a workshop or course during the Full Moon weekend. Or, perhaps you’re involved in a debate regarding philosophy, spirituality, religion or culture.
There’s the promise of togetherness during this Full Moon period. Your ruler the Sun aligns with Saturn in Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 12th and with Mars in Gemini and your friendship & group sector on the 17th. Get the right people on your side and you widen your circle of experience and can be more successful in your projects and endeavours.
The Sun-Pluto clash on the 19th seems to suggest that this isn’t a time to go it alone. This is confirmed because the planet of relating Venus is in Libra until the 23rd and side-by-side with your ruler the Sun throughout October.
You may have a person in your life who’s a godsend, someone who’s your support, your ally. The Sun-Venus conjunction perfects on the 22nd, a gorgeous date for a celebration or recognition of someone special.
Libra rules siblings & neighbours in your horoscope, also your neighbourhood & community. Practise gratitude for the people in your life who are there for you day in & day out.
Saturn is your partner planet and is strong on the 12th, 14th & 23rd. On the 23rd, Saturn turns direct in Aquarius, your opposite star sign and will begin its final journey through Aquarius leaving here in March 2023. What takes place this month could define who’s important in your life, who’s staying and who’s moving on.
Solar Eclipse Scorpio
On the 23rd, both the Sun & Venus change star sign and move into Scorpio, the sign at the base of your horoscope. This is about your home and family, your legacy and your connection to the past. It’s where you come from and where you return to.
Almost immediately after the Sun changes star sign, there’s a powerful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th. This is part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023.
It’s a powerful time for you because these eclipses are triggering the Taurus/Scorpio axis and the foundations of your horoscope – your past & your future. During this eclipse cycle, you often move home or change career paths.
A Solar Eclipse is a powerful New Moon with oomph. Yet, during an eclipse, one door may have to close before a new door can open. Check out the eclipse do’s and don’ts below to help you navigate this potent time in your life. There’s a partner eclipse on November 8th.
Mars Retrograde
Finally at the end of the month, action planet Mars turns retrograde in Gemini and your friendship and group sector. You may be taking a step back from a group in which you’re involved. Or, perhaps this indicates a tricky time for one particular friendship in your life.
Mars remains retrograde, i.e. on go slow until January 12, 2023. It’s ideally a time for planning and reworking your strategy rather than out-and-out action.
Money may be a factor here because of what’s happening with expansive Jupiter. On the 28th, Jupiter moves back into Pisces to complete its journey through your joint finance sector.
Jupiter only remains here until December 20th. Consider where money and friendship may be linked in your life and why this might be the time to stop & reassess your current situation.
If someone lets you down or disappoints you on or around the 12th of this month when Mars square Neptune in Pisces, consider how you can get around this or work with this. The last two months of the year may be a time to consider doing things differently, especially regarding money, investments & group activities.
Eclipse Do’s & Don’ts
Eclipse season kicks in this month & next as the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle continues. Here are some eclipse tips:
- Try not to fear an eclipse – they are a reminder that you’re not always in control.
- Ideally, don’t choose an eclipse date to launch a project or start something new.
- Wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Eclipse symbolism is shadowy and hidden.
- Once the eclipse shadow lifts, then you can try to take advantage of any changes that have occurred.
- Know that the eclipses are closely linked to the karmic nodes & wheel of destiny – sometimes, they offer a turning point ready or not.
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