Love & Romance
Love is foreground this month as your ruler the Sun is in Aquarius and your relationship sector until the 18th. This puts the focus on partnership and the 16th could be a stand-out date for you. This is when there’s a Full Moon in your star sign Leo, a powerful time to trust your intuition around your one-to-one’s and ensure your own needs are being met.
This is potentially romantic but dramatic too. A lot depends on what happens on or around the 1st, the day of the New Moon. This falls in Aquarius, your opposite star sign and is a symbol of new beginnings. However, the New Moon pulls in the Saturn-Uranus square, your partner planets.
You could be at the mercy of others on or around this New Moon and recognise that you’re not the one in control. Someone else may have the upper hand and it’s their decisions that bring change to your life.
This month’s astrology suggests that your love life may be going through a significant period of transformation. Feel your feelings and re-open the lines of communication on or after the 14th. This is when talk planet Mercury returns to Aquarius and your relationship sector.
Work & Health
There’s another dominant theme this month, because of the planets in earth sign Capricorn. Most importantly, talk planet Mercury turns direct here on the 4th. Capricorn rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. It’s the areas in life where you’re of service to other people.
If you’ve been feeling confused about these key areas of your life in January, the 4th is a significant turning point. Try again where things didn’t work out first time around. Re-apply for a job and evoke the theme of second chances.
Action planet Mars is in Capricorn throughout the month and this can be a busy period, sometimes stressful. Be wary of taking too much on but, at the same time, do what you can to stay focused and get things done. Aim to find the healthy work/life balance.
Plus, Mars has support this month from Venus, the planet of relating. Together, they make a strong team and these two important planets unite on the 16th, the day of the Full Moon. Notice who comes into your life on or around this date, employ someone new, adopt a pet. Think love and connection, supportive alliances.
Future Path
There’s another strong planetary influence this month as one of the major aspects of 2022 takes place on the 18th. On the day that the Sun enters Pisces, big planet Jupiter in Pisces aligns with Uranus in Taurus. These two planets are entrepreneurial and freedom-loving. They represent breakthroughs and leaps of faith.
Even though this year has been stop-start so far, you do need to focus on what next. This has a lot to do with the fact that Uranus is in Taurus, the unconventional planet lighting up your career and vocation sector. Uranus is lively this month, on the 18th, also the 8th.
Uranus is the planet of freedom and suits a freelance or easy-going lifestyle. It’s the planet of technology and all things new. You might be moving a business online or use the internet to boost your profile or reach a wider audience.
Note that when Uranus is active, external circumstances often bring about change, ready or not. It may be a challenge this month to stay put in the same job and change nothing.
Money Matters
Money too is a significant feature from the 18th onwards as Pisces is the star sign which represents joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope. On the day of the Jupiter-Uranus connection, your ruler the Sun enters Pisces. Therefore, it’s wise to actively engage with money matters.
Admittedly, money could be an emotional issue for you, whether this concerns an inheritance or you’re having to split finances with someone close in order to move on. Pisces rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope so this is about all aspects of money.
This is a hidden sector of your horoscope too as Pisces rules the subconscious and all things taboo, such as sex, power, death & rebirth. Sometimes when your ruler the Sun is in Pisces, this can be a deep period of self-transformation. It’s an emotional time but ultimately helpful and healing.
Mercury Turning Direct
Here are some guidelines for when the communication planet is moving in the right direction after the 4th:
- try again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
- sort out any misunderstandings
- consider what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
- initiate a conversation, re-open the lines of communication
- write a list – keep it short & deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
- handle any technological or transport issues
- plug back in & renew your energy & focus
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