The Sun is shining brightly in your fellow fire sign Sagittarius as December begins. It remains here until the 21st and this is a dominant feature for you in the month ahead.
On the one hand, it’s about partying and having fun and throwing yourself into the festivities. Your star sign Leo has a child-like quality and it’s a great time to be with children and let your inner child out to play. Line up some entertainment and make the most of enjoyable events taking place.
Romance too is on the agenda as Sagittarius rules love affairs in your horoscope. And, the planet of love and relating Venus is in Sagittarius until the 10th. What is wise, however, is to aim to keep love steady as your partner planet Saturn is playing a supportive role on the 2nd and 12th.
Gemini Full Moon
The major astrology while the Sun is in Sagittarius is the powerful Full Moon on the 8th which falls in Gemini and your friendship sector. Full Moons are traditionally a time of celebration and you may be out partying and having fun.
This could be a dramatic Full Moon, however, because it pulls in retrograde Mars in Gemini. Mars opposes Venus on the 1st and, on the day of the Full Moon, Mars opposes your ruler the Sun and sits in a tight conjunction to the Moon.
This could play out in one of two ways. It may be an exceptionally passionate Full Moon for you. Alternatively, it could be angry and trigger an argument or falling-out. Be aware that it could go either way.
Capricorn – Work & Health
On the 21st, your ruler the Sun moves into earth sign Capricorn and your work and health sector. Two days later on the 23rd, there’s a New Moon here, a symbol of new beginnings and an ideal time to set new intentions.
If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends throughout December, you might be more than ready to slow down a little in preparation for the festive period.
What will help you in the run up to Christmas is team work and delegation. This is because communication planet Mercury is in Capricorn from the 6th and the planet of relating Venus enters Capricorn on the 10th.
This is a sign not to go it alone but to lean on other people and gather support around you. This may relate to your work or your routine if you’re in charge of the festivities.
The 17th & 22nd could be stand-out dates when both Mercury & Venus align with spontaneous Uranus in Taurus and your career and future sector.
This might be when you can gain some freedom from work or everyday chores. Or, perhaps a new opportunity comes your way. If so, it’s worth taking note of and finding out more.
Jupiter Joy
There’s a major planetary shift in the heavens towards the end of month which spells good news for you. This involves the planet of opportunity Jupiter returning to your fellow fire sign Aries on the 20th. Jupiter was in Aries earlier this year from May 10th to October 28th. Jupiter completes its journey through Aries on May 16, 2023.
Aries is the star sign that rules the bigger picture sector of your horoscope. Therefore, this may offer you an opportunity to start a new adventure. Jupiter rules travel, study, philosophy, spirituality and any activity that expands your horizons and broadens your experience of life.
There’s a feel-good factor to Jupiter in Aries which boosts your desire to be bold or take a leap of faith. Make fun and joy high priorities moving into 2023. Think of work as play, discover your passion and enjoy what you do.
If you want to travel abroad or live in another country, if you want to take a sabbatical from work and explore a new direction, it starts with believing and knowing that anything’s possible.
This could be a wonderful opportunity to think globally, expand your network and reach out to other people in different countries and cultures. Jupiter rules publishing, the Law, truth and humanity.
Notice what happens on the 20th, the day Jupiter shifts star sign. Also, the 29th when there’s a lucky Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries which will be visible in the night sky. It’s a lovely time to make a wish.
Be open to new opportunities and say yes to new experiences. The events that take place could help signpost your way forward in the year ahead.
Mercury Retrograde
There is no rush, however, because communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th and remains on go slow until January 18, 2023. Take your time as one year ends and a new year begins. The best way to use Mercury retrograde is to turn inwards or take yourself off somewhere completely different.
Talk planet Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn and a practical sector of your horoscope. This indicates that you’re wise to rethink work and routine matters while Mercury’s in retreat.
What Mercury retrograde is good for is going with the flow and adopting a slower pace. Sometimes, there’s a theme of second chances and trying again if things didn’t work out in the past, especially linked to your work, lifestyle or health.
You could go back to an old job and it’s an excellent time to rework and revise your plans. Be kind to yourself and do whatever’s necessary to lower your stress levels.
Mercury teams up with Neptune as it switches direction and this planetary aspect perfects on Christmas Day, December 25th. This is about caring for yourself and others. There may be a theme of service, sacrifice or surrender in your life and this is a spiritual connection. Do whatever feels right for you to honour the end of one year and the beginning of a new year.
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