Birthday Month
The Sun is in Leo which means it’s your birthday month and an ideal time to focus on you. The Sun is in Leo until the 23rd and is joined by talk planet Mercury in Leo up until the 4th and the planet of relating Venus from the 11th. Therefore, ensure you take centre stage and find your place to shine.
It’s a good month to show off your skills and talents, to enjoy life and celebrate. You might be more than ready to have adventures and embrace new experiences. This is partly because the Sun in your star sign boosts your confidence but there’s another reason too.
This is the planet of opportunity Jupiter in Aries, another of the dynamic fire signs. Aries rules your travel and study sector and Jupiter expands what it touches.
This is why you may want to try something new and believe anything’s possible. One of the best dates of the month is the 18th, an ideal date to say yes to life.
Career Goals & Clashes
As August begins, there’s a lot happening in Taurus and your career and vocation sector. Action planet Mars is here until the 20th firing up your career and future sector.
Plus, on the 1st/2nd, Mars and Uranus come together and you may be a rebel with a cause. This combination is impulsive and revolutionary. Don’t be foolhardy and take undue risks but do be bold & brave.
This feels as if it’s likely to be an important month regarding your work and career, your vocation and future path. It might be that external circumstances are the reason for a new chapter opening up.
Or, perhaps an opportunity appears that’s too good to miss out on. On the 1st, Mars & Uranus align with the karmic North Node and you may sense the wheel of fortune turning.
That’s not to say it’s going to be an easy month to navigate and your interactions with other people could interfere with your plans.
Saturn and Uranus are your partner planets and back in action this month. You could clash with someone you work with. Or, perhaps there’s an issue in your partner’s life that impacts your next steps. The key challenges could come on the 11th & 14th, the 27th & 28th.
If you’re feeling held back or trapped, this won’t be easy. The Mars-Uranus theme is freedom, wanting to break free of constraints or tradition, to do things differently. You might be fed up of a boring lifestyle or a steady routine. Instead, you may be more than ready to ring the changes.
Alternatively, you may need to be super flexible and adaptable at work as you get used to sudden changes to travel and work options.
This month’s astrology is encouraging you to align yourself with the right people and move away from the wrong people.
Full Moon Aquarius
The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 12th could be a pivotal time for your one-to-one’s. Firstly, it cuts across the Leo-Aquarius axis of the zodiac putting you in the spotlight.
This suggests you could find yourself at odds with other people, whether you don’t see eye-to-eye with a boss or you’re up against tough competition. Secondly, the Moon sits next to Saturn in Aquarius and there’s a clash with the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Saturn & Uranus are your partner planets.
This is a fiery combination which may spring surprises. A relationship might begin or end unexpectedly. Or, perhaps someone close acts unpredictably as emotions are heightened.
You may want to tread gently but find it’s impossible to do so when it comes to partnerships in your life. You may sense that other people have the upper hand and your next steps are closely linked to what someone else does in your life.
The planet of love Venus is in Cancer and the most hidden sector of your horoscope up until the 11th. This can symbolise an affair or feelings that are secret or private.
Yet, by the time of the Full Moon, love planet Venus is in your star sign Leo and Full Moons bring things to light. The Moon is at its brightest, a time of clarity shining its light on your one-to-one relationships.
During the Full Moon, try not to lose yourself in the drama of life. Yes, you may be engaged in a huge passion or exciting new developments are moving you forward and fast. But it’s important to focus on the nitty-gritty of life too.
This is because talk planet Mercury is working behind the scenes in Virgo and your personal money sector. Mercury’s here from the 4th to the 26th. Therefore, keep close tabs on money, especially if it’s a month when your personal or work situation is changing.
Talk finances, keep your accounts up-to-date, be sensible around money and do what’s needed. This month’s New Moon also falls in Virgo on the 27th, an ideal time to initiate a new money-making venture or set up a financial agreement.
Mars Gemini
It’s likely that other people could be the catalyst for excitement in your life this month and there’s a major reason why. This is action planet Mars moving into Gemini and your friendship and group sector on the 20th.
This is where things may happen fast whether you’re planning a trip with friends or you’re keen to join someone else on their adventures.
Plus, it’s important to note that Mars remains in Gemini for an unusually long stay of seven months. Mars only leaves Gemini in March 2023 as Mars turns retrograde in the last two months of 2022.
The proviso around Mars in Gemini is that irritation levels could rise. You may feel frustrated if friends or companions don’t tell the truth or keep changing their mind. Mars rules anger as well as action. Therefore, try not to get into heated debates, as this will quickly sap your energy.
There’s a lot happening in the world now and it is important to have your voice. Yet, at the same time, don’t keep putting yourself in a situation where tempers flare. Ensure that debates or discussions take place in a measured way.
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