Leo Horoscope April 2023

sunflower, Leo horoscope

Fire Sign Aries

Up until the 20th, your ruler the Sun is in fire sign Aries. Traditionally, this is a time when you’re keen to travel and broaden your horizons.

Aries rules study, learning, knowledge in your horoscope and any activity that sources you and brings meaning to your life. You may be keen to study something new or be on a spiritual path. Or, perhaps you embrace a new religion or faith.

The Full Moon on the 6th could be important in this respect. It cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac, which is about education for you. Libra rules life close to home, your local community and Aries rules foreign connections.

See where you’re being called forth at the Full Moon and where you want to reach out and help others. This would be a good date to choose to run a course online or sign up to a learning initiative.

Yet, the stand-out date this month is the 11th when there’s a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aries. This is said to be one of the luckiest days of the year.

Your ruler the Sun represents your essence, who you’re becoming, it’s your vitality and energy. Jupiter’s the biggest planet that expands what it touches and Jupiter’s linked to good fortune and growth.

Notice who or what comes into your life on or around the 11th as anything that begins under a Jupiter transit promises success. Jupiter is linked to hope and faith and it would be an ideal time to take a risk and be adventurous.

Solar Eclipse Aries

Also this month, there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 20th. This is the second New Moon in Aries and the first took place on March 21st.

The Solar Eclipse begins a new eclipse cycle that will complete in March 2025. This eclipse cycle highlights the star signs Aries and Libra. Therefore, it’s about learning and education for you and making the most out of your life. 

There’s courage and determination in an Aries Solar Eclipse and a New Moon eclipse accelerates growth. Events can turn on the flick of a dime as the wheel of fortune leads you in a new direction.

During the eclipse, the Sun is square to Pluto in Aquarius, your opposite star sign, so it could symbolise an ending as well as a beginning. Sometimes you have to shut a door in life completely, before you can start afresh and move on to a new adventure.

The Sun perfects its square aspect to Pluto when it’s in Taurus, also on the 20th. This suggests that your long-term plans could change because of major events in your partner’s life. Or, perhaps there’s a change in personnel at work that affects everyone. Take your time before rushing into anything new.

Future Goals

Communication planet Mercury is in Taurus from the 3rd and the planet of relating Venus is here until the 11th. Plus, your ruler the Sun enters earth sign Taurus on the 20th.

Taurus rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation, your future goals. This could be a month when you’re ready to make some big decisions about your future. Talk things through with people who can help you, get some coaching, use your networks and gather ideas.

Mid-May, there will be a huge shift in this area of your horoscope which indicates the start of a new chapter. It’s potentially successful for you or liberating.

Mercury Retrograde

However, it’s important to get things organised sooner rather than later in April. This is because, on the 21st, talk planet Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus. Mercury will remain on go slow until May 15th. This could mean that you have to change tack and do things differently. When in doubt, think outside of the box.

There is another factor to note and that’s action planet Mars in Cancer and the most hidden sector of your horoscope throughout April. This turns your attention inwards.

You may find your energy levels are low at times. Or, perhaps you’re dealing with a sensitive or personal issue. To maximise the benefits of April’s astrology, you’re wise to manage your time well and use the timing of Mercury retrograde to your advantage.

Air Signs

The other key planetary activity this month takes place in air sign Gemini, the star sign which rules friends and group activities in your horoscope. On the one hand, this is about your social life, making new friends, catching up with old friends. Yet, it’s about alliances too and the people you team up with or hang out with.

The planet of relating Venus enters Gemini on the 11th. If you’re looking for love, love and friendship are linked. If you’re in a relationship, the biggest issue between you could be money, your future security.

Yet, it’s by joining forces that you get more done. Widen your reach, think foreign connections, get the law on your side. Take part in a political, social, environmental or humanitarian campaign as together you’re bigger and better.

Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments between April 21st to May 15th. Here are some top tips:

  • triple check the tech
  • be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
  • double-check everything, read the small print
  • chase up old contacts, revisit the past
  • use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
  • rest & retreat when you can
  • do your research & explore your options ready to act when Mercury turns direct

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