Leo February 2019

LeoLeo (23 July – 22 August)

Your ruler, the Sun, remains in your opposite star sign, Aquarius, until the 18th. Aquarius is your relationship sector when the focus turns to other people in your life. Sometimes, your energy and vitality is low when the Sun is as far away in the zodiac from your star sign, Leo, as it can be. If this is true for you, take it easy in February. Take the pace slow.

Also, this month’s astrology follows on from what was happening in January, when the focus turned to your close relationships on or around January 20th. Plus, one day later, there was a powerful Lunar or Full Moon eclipse in Leo, your star sign on January 21st.

This was the last eclipse in a cycle that began in August 2016. Therefore, it suggested an ending or a revelation or completion, either around love or a professional partnership. Aquarius rules all key partnerships in your life, both in your personal life and in business.

What happens this month is that you can in some way start over. This is significant for you around the time of the New Moon in Aquarius on the 4th. Plus, this New Moon pulls in lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius, a fellow fire sign. The Sun and Jupiter unite on the 8th.

This whole combination feels great for a new love affair or celebrating the birth of a child or news of a pregnancy. Your relationships feel easier this month, more in flow as February brings with it a sense of renewal. The other key date to note is the 18th when your ruler, the Sun, teams up with innovative, Uranus, one of your partner planets.

This too is lively and good news for meeting someone new or enjoying yourself with your current partner. Do something different and ring the changes.

This is a key theme of the month as well because, up until the 13th, action planet Mars is in Aries and your travel sector. Mars has been here since the start of January but is hotting up the pace in the first two weeks of the month. You might be determined to get away or book a holiday and fast. 

The 2nd could prove challenging in this respect, however, because Mars clashes with Pluto in Capricorn and your work and health sector.

This may mean that you can’t get the dates you want for a holiday or there’s another reason why work gets in the way. You might have a tough decision to make this month about whether or not to travel and this could be health-related. 

You may not want to heed advice and with Mars moving ever closer to volatile Uranus on the 13th, this combination feels impulsive. You could do something wild and spontaneous on or around this date. Or perhaps, it’s your partner who leaps into action. 

It’s lively astrology for sure but don’t take undue risks. A daredevil attitude could result in a mishap as Mars/Uranus connections sometimes flag up an accident if you don’t take due care.

If you’re a typical fire sign, you’re not afraid of taking risks and the Mars/Uranus combination certainly promises adventure. Know that if you do act impulsively, there’s no going back.

You do, however, have friends on your side at work this month and this is an area of your life where there’s a lot happening. The planet of relating, Venus, moves into the earth sign, Capricorn, on the 3rd where it remains until the end of February.

You may have someone on your side who’s negotiating for you or putting in a good word. Team-work is strong with Venus in Capricorn. Get the right people on your side and learn to delegate effectively.

Venus runs into Saturn on the 18th and Pluto on the 23rd. These could be key dates for an encounter with your boss or an important meeting or interview. Choose the best people to be by your side or to put your case forwards on both occasions.

Plus, action planet, Mars, leaves Aries on the 14th and moves into your career sector, Taurus, where it remains until the end of March. You will also have live-wire Uranus in Taurus from March 6th onwards. 

Therefore, this indicates that you’re entering a new period work wise and you may already have some innovative ideas for what next. Uranus favours freelance work, as it’s the planet of freedom and liberation.

When Mars is in Taurus, you might have to be more ambitious at work and show you mean business. Money matters are also under the cosmic spotlight in the second half of the month, and the two areas of your life are linked. Talk planet Mercury enters Pisces and your joint finance sector on the 10th followed by your ruler, the Sun, on the 18th.

The Full Moon on the 19th falls across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac, lighting up the money sectors of your horoscope. Make the right moves at work and financially and you can shore up your reserves. 

The last day of February, the 28th, is a key date in this respect when the Sun and Mars align. This is an excellent date for making fast progress to secure a job, promotion or an increase in salary.

Some of you may be so busy in the second half of the month that Valentines Day, on the 14th, flies by without a murmur. This year, it feels more social than romantic.

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