Leo December 2019

 Leo, winter

Feel-Good Vibes

The big news this month is the fact that big planet, Jupiter, is on the move. On the 2nd, Jupiter leaves your fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, and enters earth sign, Capricorn. Jupiter is the planet of luck and opportunity. It has an expansive and boundless quality. 

Jupiter has been in Sagittarius since November 2018. During this time, there may have been the blessing of a pregnancy, a birth or new grandchild. For others, it could have been the start of a new love affair, the birth of a creative project or a lucky win.

This month, you may not be ready to let go of the feel-good Jupiter in Sagittarius vibe so quickly. This is because your ruler, the Sun, remains in Sagittarius until the 22nd, the day of the Solstice. Therefore, the playful, colourful side of your Leo nature is being called forth on the run up to the festive season.

The Full Moon on the 12th cuts across the Sagittarius/Gemini axis of the zodiac and could be a stand-out date in this respect. It’s gorgeous for a celebration with friends or embracing love and pleasure in your love. 

Jupiter Goals – Work & Health

Work is getting more of a look in this month as earth sign energy intensifies. Jupiter’s move in to Capricorn on the 2nd is key and Jupiter remains here until December 2020. Capricorn rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. 

This is a lively combination. At its best, it gives you extra get up and go. Over the next year, you may find the ideal job that frees up your time or you fall in love with volunteering. Or perhaps, you decide to take part in activities and develop daily habits which boost your health and well-being.

Jupiter’s bringing some welcome relief to this sector of your horoscope where Saturn and Pluto, the tough taskmasters, have been established for some time. Just take care that you don’t over-commit yourself, even if work is plentiful.

New Opportunities

Jupiter’s arriving with a bang in Capricorn as it’s extra lively this month. Take notice of the opportunities that come your way on the 15th when there’s a Jupiter-Uranus trine aspect in earth signs. Uranus is currently in Taurus and your career sector and this combination feels entrepreneurial, visionary and great for risk-taking.

Both planets are linked to freedom, whether you’re taking a break from work or you find an opportunity that allows you to work freelance or part-time. Whatever you begin on or around this date is potentially life-changing or transformative. It’s the kind of astrology which promises overnight success.

Also, on the 27th, there’s the annual Sun/Jupiter conjunction which is always big news for you, as the Sun is your ruling planetary body. These two meet in Capricorn and this combination feels lucky. Play your cards right and your work, health and routine could be zinging with life and vitality when you make the right moves.

Capricorn Solar Eclipse

The other major activity this month is the New Moon or Solar Eclipse on the 26th, which also takes place in Capricorn. This is part of the eclipse cycle cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac which began in July 2018 and completes in July 2020. 

Eclipses are rarely easy because they often coincide with drama or a sudden turn of events. There can be a theme of endings which must take place if you’re to start over or begin something new. This major event takes place four days after the Solstice when your ruler, the Sun, enters Capricorn on the 22nd.

This is about your work and health, your lifestyle and routine on the one hand. It may have been a challenging time for you in these areas over the last year or so, whether you’ve been dealing with stress, unemployment, low energy or ill-health. 

If this is true for you, the key is to look at where you can let go and do less not more. Taking good care of yourself is important during this eclipse phase. Try not to wear yourself out during this period in the year and make time for you.

Caring for yourself and others is a key theme of the current eclipse cycle. The Cancer/Capricorn axis is about being of service, sacrifice and surrender. You could choose to put your life in the hands of God or follow a spiritual path and let go of outer achievements or success. That’s the most radical outcome of this current cycle. Yet, in some way, large or small, you will find your priorities are shifting.

Home & Family

Spend some quality time with family this month. If you have plenty of energy available, channel it in to home or family projects. Mars, the action planet, is down at the base of your horoscope in Scorpio, urging you to gather the clans and clear out your clutter before the festivities begin.

Home and money are linked this month too, especially on or around the 8th or 13th, when Neptune is in action. You could be organising a charity event or joining in with other people to help others or care for someone close to home.

Keep close tabs on your money, especially on or around the 8th when your ruler, the Sun, clashes with Neptune in Pisces. It would be easy for money to slip through your fingers if you take your eye off the ball. Be wary around children and/or a lover with financial matters too.

It’s important to consider the long-term picture and what you’re working towards in December. There might be discussions about a family matter or looking at how you can support one another within your family, depending what’s happening on the job front.

Festive Love

Finally, there are some loving vibes over the festive period. This is because love planet, Venus, enters Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 20th. Make time for your close relationships and prioritise the ones you love.

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