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LEO (23 July-22 August)
Communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in the earth sign Capricorn on Monday 19th December. Capricorn rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health and this is about how you manage your life on a day-to-day basis.
With Mercury on go slow, this is the ideal time for a job or health review, considering your options, thinking what next. For some, this might be the time when a job or contract comes to an end and you have the next few weeks to decide what you’re going to do.
The festive fortnight would also be a good period to sort things out with regard to the office or your working environment. This might mean a huge declutter, reading some inspirational books or listening to podcasts. If you’re in need of inspiration, Mercury retrograde is the ideal time to take a look inside and decide what’s missing.
The Sun, your ruler, also enters Capricorn on December 21st and the period between Christmas and New Year is especially lively to plan for your work and to line up some new health or fitness goals.
The New Moon in Capricorn on December 29th is the perfect day to set your intentions even though you’re wise to wait until Mercury turns direct on January 8th 2017 before starting a new routine or regime.
Money matters too are part of the picture whether money seems to be slipping through your fingers at a fast rate or money is beginning to flow in from a bonus, inheritance or investment. Either way, it’s a good time of year to focus on finances, sort out the best deals and get yourself on track for 2017.
The big Christmas astrology is bounding with energy and excitement. For some, this is about love and relationships because your partner planets, Saturn and Uranus, are involved in the action.
In addition, love planet Venus is in your opposite sign of Aquarius and your relationship sector and Venus is extremely lively on Christmas Day. Your partner could propose or their present will be a big adventure or new experience, something that takes you out of your comfort zone perhaps. It’s exciting astrology and certainly not boring.
Freedom is the theme and you too might want to do something different, to spread your wings. This is a good time to say Yes to study or a new teaching role.
You might decide to set up your own website, use social media to gain support or use your powers of persuasion in the written or spoken form. At its most extreme, the astrology could represent you dropping everything to dash abroad and help with a social or environmental cause.
The date to note is December 29th when Uranus turns direct in your travel and study sector and anything goes. It will be hard to ignore a burning desire but do slow down enough that you see things through on a practical level.
New Year’s Eve too looks lively and with the Moon in Aquarius and your relationship sector, the theme of partnership could continue to both delight and surprise you in equal measure.