Leo August 2018

Leo August 2018

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

The Sun is in your star sign Leo until the 23rd and this month feels significant because of the Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 11th. Solar Eclipses are like a New Moon with extra power. They move you out of a stuck situation and often coincide with positive change. Or, at least, they bring about an ending which enables a new beginning.

This Solar Eclipse sits next to retrograde Mercury, also in Leo. This connects you in some way with your past and rather than looking forwards, you’re wise to focus backwards. This is where riches lie potentially, in what’s gone before. Listen out for news or insight that can help you make sense of your own life.

Mercury remains on go slow until the 19th so, in the first half of August, chill out and have some fun. Your star sign Leo thrives on play, enjoyment and entertainment. If life’s been all work and no play recently, it’s time to readdress the balance. Use the Mercury retrograde phase to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition.

Also, you might find that you can’t get ahead as quickly you would like or perhaps life takes you on a diversion or two. This could be an important month for your personal development and learning more about yourself when things go wrong. How do you respond to life when it doesn’t give you what you want?

This could also be caught up with close relationships for you, either personal, professional or both. The planet of action and passion, Mars, is retrograde in Aquarius and your relationship sector until the 13th. There could be distance between you and someone close, either real or metaphorical. 

If someone behaves out of order, perhaps close to the 2nd, you might need time to yourself to think things through carefully.

Mars retreats back into Capricorn and your work and health sector on the 13th and turns direct two weeks later on the 27th. With regard to your work and health, here too you have to reboot or rediscover your ambition, your mojo. Consider what you were working on between mid-March and mid-May 2018 as you might be able to complete what you started back then.

Money matters are also of importance from the 23rd onwards when your ruler, the Sun, enters Virgo and your personal money sector. Plus, the Full Moon on the 26th highlights the financial axis of your zodiac, an ideal date to stabilise your situation, to make a temporary job permanent, for example. Think security and stability when it comes to your working life and your health.

This may be linked to your home or family as there’s a final Jupiter-Neptune trine aspect on the 19th. This is about investing in your home or starting a family business, but certainly helping the ones you love and asking for their support in return. This is a compassionate and caring combination.

The planet of relating, Venus, is also sweet in Libra from the 6th onwards. This too means it’s a wonderful month to smooth over your relationships and to find a way to work together, rather than be poles apart. 

There’s a new vibe coming in that promises harmonious connections and you might be more than ready to go with the flow once both Mercury and Mars kick out of their respective retrograde phases.

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