Jupiter Uranus Conjunction: Big Change

sun, child

Jupiter conjunct Uranus [21 Taurus 49]

April 21, 2024 (03:27 GMT+1)

Everyone’s talking about this weekend’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which is a big deal. This is because these two planets only come together in the zodiac and make a conjunction every 13-14 years.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction takes place on April 21st but, as it’s such a big event, it’s not only about what’s happening on the day. We’ve been building towards this for some time.

Straightaway, it spells good news because of Jupiter’s involvement, the biggest and best planet. This is the first of three major planetary aspects involving Jupiter and the modern planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. 

There’s a Jupiter-Neptune sextile aspect on May 23rd and a Jupiter-Pluto trine aspect on June 3rd. Therefore, this is part of a bigger phase playing out. Jupiter remains in earth sign Taurus until May 26th, a reminder that big dreams need a plan.

Jupiter & Uranus

Jupiter and Uranus are planets which share similarities as they both favour space and freedom. They encourage risk taking and saying yes to opportunity, urging you to leap out of bed and get on with life.

In mythology, both Jupiter and Uranus were gods of the sky so look upwards, reach out and expand your horizons. 

Jupiter rules foreign connections. Think about how you can go global. Or, book a last-minute holiday or make a decision to emigrate. Both Jupiter and Uranus are planets linked to air travel.

Publishing, the media, the law and truth are Jupiter themes, so get your book published, stand up for what you believe in and make a name for yourself.

Uranus is the symbol of the individual, the protestor, the maverick, a crazy live-wire energy. Next to Jupiter, there’s an underlying theme of adventure and bringing your unique self or abilities to the fore. Walk your own path and say yes to life.

As Jupiter and Uranus meet in earth sign Taurus, this is a creative and practical combination. What do you want to manifest or bring into being? Earth signs are solid, real and tangible. As Taurus rules money, this could be a time of profit when you receive a windfall or an unexpected gift or bonus.

What may occur on or around the conjunction is that a new opportunity comes your way, perhaps via the internet as Uranus rules technology. Yet, it’s worth making the most of this game-changing combination. Where in life can you take a risk, a leap of faith and play big? Who could you contact or what you could make happen?

Jupiter-Uranus – All Change

Here’s when and where the previous conjunctions took place:

  • 2010/2011 – 27/28° Pisces & 0° Aries
  • 1997 – 5° Aquarius
  • 1983 – 5/7/8° Sagittarius
  • 1969 – 0/2/3° Libra

Jupiter-Uranus are often about new inventions and progressive developments. They have coincided with exciting developments in space travel and scientific discoveries.

Together, Jupiter and Uranus shake things up. In earth sign Taurus, this is a symbol of an earthquake and it seems to be a particularly volatile time for the earth we’re standing on. At its most dramatic, this combination is the Tower card in the tarot, as the old ways crumble to be replaced by something new.

This is a political combination too, a symbol of social change. Here in the UK, Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister in 1983 when the Conservative Party won a huge majority after the Falklands War. Fast forward to 1997 and Labour won the General Election.

Then, it switched back to the Tories and the Conservative Party in 2010. Therefore, you would expect a change of leadership again this year, 2024. Labour are currently in the lead in the polls with many people ready for change.

What Does It Mean For You?

Where does the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction fall in your horoscope? Where are you ready for big change or where may opportunity find you?

Taurus: Your 1st house ruling your physical body, your personal goals and ambitions. The spotlight’s on you. Embrace new experiences, be adventurous, put yourself first and say yes to life.

Gemini: Your 12th house ruling retreat and solitude. Develop your spiritual side, listen to your inner voice, learn meditation, yoga or go on a retreat. Listen out for signs and synchronicities guiding you.

Cancer: Your 11th house ruling friends, groups, social activities and politics. Connect with old and new friends, join a club, society or community project, do your bit for a humanitarian, environmental, political or social cause.

Leo: Your 10th house ruling your career, vocation, status and where you’re heading in life. Change career, ask for a pay-rise, go for promotion, take a sabbatical, work abroad, gain new qualifications or pursue a dream goal.

Virgo: Your 9th house ruling travel, study, philosophy and spirituality. Broaden your horizons and remember that life is the journey and not the destination. Emigrate, sign up for a life-changing course, get an agent or publisher.

Libra: Your 8th house ruling joint finances, sexuality and all that’s hidden or taboo. Have a flutter, attract abundance into your life, explore your sexuality and dive deep into the metaphysical and esoteric realm.

Scorpio: Your 7th house ruling your one-to-one relationships. Fall in love, play the field and become a dating superstar, let go of any relationship that restricts you, employ a personal trainer, life coach or find a new business partner.

Sagittarius: Your 6th house ruling your work and routine, your health and lifestyle, service to others. Change around the 9-to-5 and free up your time. Apply for a new job, join a volunteer agency, boost your health and fitness.

Capricorn: Your 5th house ruling children and pregnancy, creativity, entertainment, love affairs and fun. Give birth, get pregnant, work with kids, explore your creativity, have an affair, enter a competition, buy tickets for a big event.

Aquarius: Your 4th house ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. Move home, expand where you live, take a journey into your past, celebrate with family, renovate your home.

Pisces: Your 3rd house ruling communication, siblings, neighbours and your local community. Launch a website, reconnect with siblings or relatives, update your mode of communication or transport, become a teacher or student.

Aries: Your 2nd house ruling money, personal possessions and what you value in life. Earn more money, play big. Alternatively, think ‘less is more’ and de-clutter your possessions, show your charitable or philanthropic side.

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