Jupiter Gemini Square Saturn Pisces
August 19, 2024 (22:46 GMT+1)
In astrology, the Jupiter-Saturn cycle is a major planetary event as it’s linked to world affairs. Major planetary aspects between these two planets are relatively rare. Coming up soon, on August 19th, we have the first square aspect of the current Jupiter-Saturn cycle.
Let’s take a look back at the beginning of this important astrological cycle to find out more.
Jupiter Saturn Conjunction
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions herald a new age. This significant planetary conjunction takes place once every twenty years and has always been an important symbol of the times. In whichever star sign the conjunction falls, this gives you an idea of what’s coming and which areas of life are foreground.
The last Jupiter-Saturn conjunction fell on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020, at 0° Aquarius. If you want to find out more about the significance of this conjunction and why it heralds the start of a new 200 year cycle moving from ‘earth’ to ‘air’, click here: The Great Conjunction.
In traditional astrology and before the discovery of the modern planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn were the most important planets and both are visible in the night sky. The furthest planets away from the Sun, Jupiter is the biggest planet and Saturn is the planet which delineates the boundaries of the universe.
In mythology, they were both leaders of the Gods, Saturn representing the old order and Jupiter representing the new order. In fact, it’s thought that the Star of Bethlehem was an exceptionally bright Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in approximately 7BC, heralding a new king, leader and era. These are truly important planets.
Jupiter-Saturn Square
This is the first square aspect since the conjunction in December 2020. Straightaway, it looks as if what’s happening now is related to what was taking place over three years ago.
This is because the modern planet Pluto is back at 0° Aquarius, the exact same place as the major Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Therefore, it’s worth considering whether events now are linked to what was happening in your life at the end of 2020.
A square aspect is considered a clash, so there may be conflict in your life now, something that’s not working out. Consider where you might feel frustrated or held back? What’s stopping you getting ahead or pursuing your dreams? These are important questions to ask when Jupiter and Saturn square up to one another.
Jupiter is currently in air sign Gemini, the star sign of communication and ideas, where it’s been since May 26, 2024. When I wrote about Jupiter’s move through Gemini, it was obvious that themes of multiculturalism would be foreground as Jupiter’s the foreign planet and Gemini rules languages and connections.
Theoretically, you have the world in your hands when Jupiter’s in Gemini. Yet, the challenge is not to get lost in the details or forget your bigger purpose or mission. If you’re juggling too many balls in your life and you’re lost in multi-tasking, it may feel as if you’re going round in circles and getting nowhere.
Therefore, will Saturn’s square aspect to Jupiter help you focus and concentrate on what’s important? It’s possible. Jupiter craves adventure, new experiences and freedom, whereas Saturn can be a reality check and a reminder of your limitations. You could be experiencing low energy, a dip into negativity or a loss of faith when these two planets clash.
Jupiter & Saturn – Working Together
How can you work with Jupiter and Saturn together to make the best of this powerful square aspect? Jupiter encourages you to focus on the future whereas Saturn enables you to use the best of the past. Therefore, it may be wise to build on your past experiences rather than starting over and leaping into something new.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion linked to joy (the term jovial derives from Jove, another name for Jupiter) and is a symbol of good fortune, opportunity and growth. Whereas, Saturn is the planet of limitation. If Jupiter is yes, then Saturn is no. The word saturnine comes from Saturn, meaning a gloomy disposition. It’s the planet of responsibility, boundaries and hard work.
These two planets are opposite in nature. Yet, Jupiter can learn from Saturn’s discipline and ‘get real’ mentality and Saturn can benefit from Jupiter’s desire to take risks and think big. When they are working together, this is the optimistic realist, the practical visionary.
This is worth bearing in mind. You might find the discipline to write a book, create a podcast or venture into public speaking. You could find the confidence to get your voice heard, step into a leadership role or play your part within society. Where are you ready to make a commitment, to work hard to bring your dreams and goals into reality?
Other Factors
During the square aspect, Jupiter is at 17° Gemini and Saturn is at 17° Pisces. Jupiter is currently direct while Saturn is retrograde. Jupiter isn’t always at its best in Gemini, as it can lose sight of future goals and the path ahead.
Yet, Saturn is in Jupiter’s sign of rulership Pisces highlighting the power of the imagination and themes of faith and sacrifice. There’s some common ground here, which could help create unity rather than generate discord.
Plus, there are two other planets involved. Mars is in action this week as it meets Jupiter in Gemini on August 14th and clashes with Saturn in Pisces on August 16th.
Mars and Jupiter are the freedom-fighter, harnessing your ability to combine action with your mission or a sense of purpose. It’s a bold and daring combination. Mars and Jupiter together believe anything’s possible. When Saturn gatecrashes the party, this can introduce fear or doubt into the mix. Alternatively, it’s a ‘get real’ prompt when you recognise what is and isn’t possible.
Yet, Mars and Saturn working together can add grit and determination to the mix, which is sometimes what’s needed to get things moving. Also, Saturn can rein in Jupiter’s over-the-top behaviour and bring some common sense to proceedings. Saturn can rule the authorities too.
The other planet involved is the planet of relating Venus in Virgo. On August 19th, Venus is square to Jupiter and opposes Saturn. Therefore, you may recognise who’s on your side and who’s not. The Jupiter-Saturn themes could play out within close relationships, either personal or professional.
All the planets involved are in mutable star signs, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. The way through is to be flexible, explore your options, keep the lines of communication open and keep trying until you find the right person to meet your needs.
Faith or Fear?
Notice where the square aspect falls in your own horoscope. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture and your purpose, wherever you’re dealing with challenge or struggle. You might come up against conflicting opinions or beliefs to your own. Yet, there may be an invitation to be open and try to understand another person’s point of view.
Ultimately, the clash between Jupiter and Saturn can be a clash of faith (Jupiter) or fear (Saturn). It’s said that your mind can’t hold faith and fear at the same time. You have to make a choice between one or the other.
Perhaps, this is the most important concept to take away from this powerful Jupiter-Saturn encounter. If things aren’t working out the way you want them to, it’s how you respond to life that will determine your next steps. Pisces is the star sign linked to surrender, also faith. Where in life are you being asked to keep the faith and hold fear at bay?
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