What a fabulous idea! I saw this recently in a blog by a friend of a friend who’d done just that, taken the summer off to “do less, be more”. It’s what I’m planning to do and even though I won’t be spending August on a tropical beach, it feels right to kick back and rest.
From an astrological viewpoint, the timing is perfect as Mercury is retrograde (on go-slow) from 3rd-26th August, notoriously a time when communication goes awry and plans change. Many people are away in the summer or monitoring the kids in the school holidays or in the office ticking off the days until September comes around and things start to pick up speed again. Whatever your age, September can instil in you the natural instinct to buy a new pencil case, go back to school and work hard.
Doing less allows right-brain creativity and intuition to step in. If you’ve been banging your head against the proverbial brick wall getting nowhere, then perhaps it is time for less action and more relaxation. It’s certainly worth a try if you can create the opportunity. So, August blogs are scheduled and I’m ready to stop, slow down and breathe. See you in September with my new pencil case at the ready.
[photo by popart.uk]