How To Survive And Thrive During Mercury Retrograde

cubes-447703_1280Mercury Retrograde has become common terminology which even non-astrologers understand and it’s best to be prepared especially now, because Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday 5th January 2016 [1 Aquarius] (13:05 GMT).

Mercury retrograde is synchronous with communication chaos when the winged messenger of the Gods, fleet-footed Mercury retreats for three weeks at a time.

Think of post going missing, dates getting muddled, mishaps, slip-ups and general misunderstandings. Plans can unravel when Mercury turns retrograde and you end up having to wait on information and other people.

Yet you can survive and thrive when the planet of communication is on go slow. Here are some top tips for Mercury retrograde:

  • back up important data before Mercury turns retrograde
  • take a step back & leave the big decisions for another time
  • plug in to the re-words; re-vise, re-view, re-flect, re-consider, re-think
  • give yourself permission to change your mind
  • look at life from a fresh perspective – upside down, back-to-front; think outside of the box
  • indulge in a media detox, sit & do nothing
  • walk backwards, slow down, take it easy
  • chase up old contacts, reconnect with friends and family from your past
  • don’t believe everything you hear
  • be patient, keep your options open
  • try again where you failed in the past; second chances come highly recommended
  • use the few days before Mercury turns direct to push through your ideas & plans
  • have plans B, C & D up your sleeve, especially if you’re travelling
  • be flexible, be adaptable, go with the flow & see where life leads
  • remember it’s not about reaching the destination, it’s about enjoying the journey
  • engage your sense of humour at all times

Mercury turns back to direct motion on January 25th 2016 [15 Capricorn] (21:51 GMT).

In which sector of your horoscope is Mercury going backwards and you’re advised to be both flexible and patient? Here’s the quick lowdown and I’ve included the area of your chart in which Mercury turns retrograde (Aquarius) plus the sign in which Mercury is retrograde from 8th-25th January (Capricorn). Both will be relevant for you. Read both your Sun Sign and your Ascendant (sign rising on the horizon when you were born) if you know it:

Aries/Pisces: friends, groups, wider society

Taurus/Aries: your career sector, reputation & status, where you’re heading in life

Gemini/Taurus: travel, education, philosophy & beliefs

Cancer/Gemini: joint finances & shared resources, life’s hidden mysteries

Leo/Cancer: relationships, both personal & professional; your 1-to-1 negotiations

Virgo/Leo: work & routine, your health & your lifestyle, your well-being

Libra/Virgo: your ‘fun’ sector: love affairs, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment, luck

Scorpio/Libra: home & family, your past & where you come from

Sagittarius/Scorpio: communication, local community, transport

Capricorn/Sagittarius: your personal money sector, possessions, values

Aquarius/Capricorn: image & body, reputation & appearance, personal goals

Pisces/Aquarius: retreat, solitude, quiet time, sacrifice, inner work

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