I came across a new astrology website this week and found myself deep with envy when reading about a rather fantastic astrology adventure.
The website is called StarSignStyle.com run by Kimberley and it’s a fab and funky astrology website that does what it says on the tin, i.e. there’s lots of star sign information linked to style, fashion & celebs.
What piqued my interest was an article entitled “Astrocartography – MyBig Phat Astrology Adventure“ which tells of Kimberley’s goal to travel the globe and effectively follow where her astrology leads her.
What is Astrocartography?
Astrocartography or Astrolocality as it’s otherwise known is a brand of astrology that uses your birth data (date, time and place of birth) to draw up a map of the world.
The world map is covered by lines (see my map below) which show planetary influences and can be used for relocation purposes or as in Kimberley’s case, travelling off round the world to have an astrology adventure. She’s beginning her journey in Bali this month, January 2014, and you can subscribe to her website to follow her travels.
My Own Big Astrology Adventure
I only discovered astrocartography in my 30’s and it was fascinating to discover that some of the places I’d travelled to and where I’d had my most meaningful life experiences were highlighted beautifully by the lines on the chart. Here are a few examples:
– I studied German at university and lived in Germany for a year. It’s a place that’s always felt like home and on my astro map, three key lines meet, the Sun, Venus and Pluto. I always felt it was fated that I was drawn to Germany and it’s a country I will always love.
– I met the first love of my life in Greece when I worked in Rhodes as a travel rep. Venus and Neptune lines conjoin in the country and it was a huge romance and love affair that I still remember fondly. Another country where I love to be.
– The Sun is on the IC (home) running through the island of Bali. I’ve visited a couple of times with my current partner and he had a share of a home on the island. It’s a place I love dearly and somewhere I could easily live.
– Venus and Jupiter conjoin on the island of Mauritius and when our daughter was four months old, we had one of my most favourite family holidays. I felt blissfully in love with both my partner and my daughter and we lazed around in the sunshine happy to be with one another.
How to Draw Up Your Own Astrocartography Map
You can draw up your own astrocartography map for free at astro.com. You will need to register your details and then go to free horoscopes where there’s a sub-section entitled Astro Click Travel.
That’s fine for starters but as you may notice in my examples above, there’s more information that you can discover from your astro map, as it doesn’t only give you the planetary lines but focuses on the four angles, ASC (self), DSC (other), MC (work), IC (home). So you can find out the best place to move to, where to go to find love, the countries where you’ll be most ambitious and successful and where to be more cautious and safety-conscious.
If you would also like to order an astrocartography report, then the best one to go for is the one that was written by astrologer Jim Lewis, who’s no longer with us but his legacy lives on through his reports. I have this report and can highly recommend it. It costs £26 and you’ll not only receive your astrocartography map but a 48 page booklet which interprets the lines for you. The website is www.astrocartography.co.uk.
It’s impossible to write an article about astrocartography without also mentioning Martin Davis, an astrologer and friend who I would call the master of astrocartography. He can offer consultations and skype sessions that will help you interpret your personal astro map. Here’s a link to his website www.astromapping.com.
Right I’m off to sign up to Kimberley’s site to follow her travels and live life vicariously and in the meantime I’m going to plan my own Big Astrology Adventure. Happy Travels!
i have a retrograde venus in aries in my 11th house of friends, my sun in aries in my 11th house of friends and my mercury 28 degrees pisces in my house of friends. i would like to find real, true & faithful love one day, without the difficulties and troubles that comes with it, but so far i have stayed single because i have been cheated on and lied to so much when i am with guys. i feel as if i am always taken for granted and i do not have nothing more to give in a relationship. i feel as if i want to be given to now. i want to be spoiled, pampered and treated like a queen because of all the crap i’ve went through by making bad choices in guys. is there are astrocartography sites that will give me a FREE reading online? i do not have $135. thanks
hi Debi, thank you for your comment. You don’t mention what age you are but I’m sure your turn will come in love. Sun/Venus Aries needs to be independent so live your own life for now. It depends what degrees your Sun/Venus are at too whether Uranus has been over them yet by transit? Uranus often triggers sudden turn-arounds in fortune and if you’re single this could well be when you meet someone special. Head-over-heels possibility. Uranus is now at 18 Aries. Hope that helps.
Don’t know of free astrocartography readings but you can get free astrology and tarot readings for sure. Have a google and see what you find. Sending best wishes, Sally
Hi sally!
my birthday is the day after christmas. I am in the know about allowing life to flow to me and have resisted this urge for many years now but i am really curious.
I’m on the big island of hawaii right now. Can’t find anyone in person to read me.
i see that you offer readings but I am very educated on regular western astrology
i have also had my progressed chart done
those readings are for astrocartography, correct?
if so, I will purchase one for my birthday gift to myself
and then receive it when you have time in january
Thank you for your comment. I don’t personally offer astrocartography readings. I know a little about it but I’m by no means an expert. There are people I can recommend if you wish. I offer consultations on your birth chart and Year Ahead reports. You can find out more about both services on the relevant pages of the website (Readings/Reports). best, Sally
Hi sally!
my birthday is the day after christmas. I am in the know about allowing life to flow to me and have resisted this urge for many years now but i am really curious.
I’m on the big island of hawaii right now. Can’t find anyone in person to read me.
i see that you offer readings but I am very educated on regular western astrology
i have also had my progressed chart done
those readings are for astrocartography, correct?
if so, I will purchase one for my birthday gift to myself
and then receive it when you have time in january
Thank you for your comment. I don’t personally offer astrocartography readings. I know a little about it but I’m by no means an expert. There are people I can recommend if you wish. I offer consultations on your birth chart and Year Ahead reports. You can find out more about both services on the relevant pages of the website (Readings/Reports). best, Sally