Here Comes Pluto In Aquarius

From filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos and producer Emma Stone comes the incredible tale and fantastical evolution of Bella Baxter, a young woman brought back to life by the brilliant and unorthodox scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter.

Under Baxter’s protection, Bella is eager to learn. Hungry for the worldliness she is lacking, Bella runs off with Duncan Wedderburn, a slick and debauched lawyer, on a whirlwind adventure across the continents.

Free from the prejudices of her times, Bella grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.

Pluto In Aquarius

Power planet Pluto is back in Aquarius. This time around, Pluto was joined by the Sun. They were in a powerful conjunction at 29° Capricorn on January 20th, then the Sun entered Aquarius followed by Pluto on January 21st.

Pluto touched base in Aquarius last year from March 23 to June 11, 2023 when all the talk was about AI, Artificial Intelligence. Pluto’s back in Aquarius this time for a longer period until September 2nd.

Plus, the Sun moving into Aquarius alongside Pluto is bringing some fascinating symbolism and synchronicities. This may be because the Sun illuminates and a Sun/Pluto conjunction is a powerhouse of energy.

Pluto Aquarius Recap

Pluto is the planet of power, loss and transformation and God of the underworld in mythology. Pluto was discovered in the 1930’s, at the same time as nuclear power was discovered and psychoanalysis was on the rise. Pluto gives his name to the ‘plutocrat’, a symbol of wealth and power.

Pluto’s the slowest-moving planetary body taking approximately twenty years to move through one star sign. This year and last, 2023/2024, Pluto’s moving from earth sign Capricorn to air sign Aquarius. Capricorn represents the establishment, government, big business and the hierarchy. Whereas, Aquarius represents the collective, society and equality.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777-1798. This was the period when Uranus, the planet linked to rebellion and revolution, was discovered in 1781. And, Uranus is the modern planet that rules Aquarius. You could say the two planetary events went hand-in-hand. This was the era of the American War of Independence and the French Revolution.

Aquarius rules technology, modern inventions, robotics, space travel and the airwaves. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the Industrial Revolution. We already know that Pluto’s move into Aquarius is going to be the era of AI. New technologies, the interconnecting power of the internet and the reality of the metaverse are only going to get more exciting and potentially dangerous too.

Pluto’s Re-entry Into Aquarius

Here in the UK, Pluto’s entry into Aquarius was dramatic as Storm Isha raged across the country. Two headlines that leapt out the following day included a massive data breach as 26 billion records were leaked.

Plus, an announcement that the Doomsday Clock would chime on January 23rd letting us know how close we are to armageddon, as a human race. Good news is that the Doomsday Clock didn’t budge this year. Not so good news is that last year the Doomsday Clock was set at 90 seconds to midnight, so ‘humanity continues to face an unprecedented level of danger’. All very Pluto (danger) in Aquarius (humanity).

The Frankenstein Theme

There’s another showing that’s fascinating and it involves Frankenstein. If you listened in to the last Astrology Talk Investigate with myself and Christina, our question was ‘What does Frankenstein tell us about the future now?

In brief, we were interested in the astrology of Mary Shelley who was born the last time Pluto was in Aquarius with a definitive signature in her chart of Pluto at 29° Aquarius on her Midheaven, the point at the peak of the horoscope.

Mary Shelley is famous for her novel Frankenstein which has become immortalised in human society as the doctor who creates a monster.

Therefore, I was intrigued, to say the least, to find myself at the cinema on January 22nd (the day after Pluto’s move into Aquarius) watching the latest Yorgos Lanthimos movie Poor Things. Only to discover that it’s a modern take on Frankenstein.

Again, it depicts a doctor, Godwin Baxter – ‘God’ for short – using technology to bring a woman back to life. In the movie, the woman herself says that ‘God was creating monsters’.

It’s all very Pluto in Aquarius with the added themes of empowerment, equality and liberation, also Pluto (power) in Aquarius (equality). It’s a wonderfully surreal movie with an incredible musical score and cinematography, and a lot of sex!

I loved Lanthimos’ movie, The Favourite starring the wonderful Aquarius actress Olivia Colman. She won an Oscar for her role as Queen Anne in the movie and I would expect Poor Things to do well at the Oscars this year.

Pluto Aquarius Astrology

Poor Things director Yorgos Lanthimos was born on September 23, 1973, time unknown. He’s probably a Sun Libra but could be a Sun Virgo if born before sunrise. Either way, he was born on a Sun/Pluto conjunction with Pluto at 4° Libra.

This means that Pluto is currently trine his natal Sun and moving towards a conjunction with his natal Jupiter at 2° Aquarius. His astrology is getting a lot of action from Pluto in Aquarius.

Willem Dafoe (b. July 22, 1955) who plays ‘God’ in the movie is born on a Sun/Uranus conjunction with the Sun at 29° Cancer opposite his Ascendant at 1° Aquarius. Again, Pluto is very active in his chart.

Emma Stone (b. November 6, 1988), who plays Bella, the woman brought back to life, doesn’t have planets directly under the gaze of Pluto. However, she was born on a Sun/Pluto conjunction in Scorpio, Pluto’s star sign and she’s brilliantly macabre and empowering as Bella.

Poor Things was released here in the UK on January 12th. And, it seems, Frankenstein themes are back. One of the trailers in the cinema was for a movie called Lisa Frankenstein, a teen ‘coming of rage’ movie with the subtitle ‘she’s slaying, he’s decaying‘. It’s going to be in theatres on Valentines Day when there’s a Mars/Pluto conjunction at 0° Aquarius – sex and death!

Also, I did note that the brilliant director Guillermo del Toro will start filming a new Netflix movie this February and the title is… Dr Frankenstein. Pluto’s back in Aquarius and Frankenstein is being reborn.

Do listen in to our podcast if you want to know more about why Frankenstein is such a relevant story for Pluto’s move into Aquarius with its themes of playing God and the subsequent dangers of technology. The link is at the bottom of the page, along with a recent article on Pluto’s move into Aquarius and what it means for the collective.

Pluto Aquarius Story

Finally, in the UK this month, a 16 year old called Luke Littler rose to prominence as he became the youngest ever darts player to reach the World Darts Championship final and hit a televised nine darter.

His birthday is January 21, 2007 which means he has the Sun at 0° Aquarius in his birth chart, giving him Pluto power. His nickname is fittingly ‘The Nuke‘ – here comes Pluto in Aquarius.

What Does Frankenstein Tell Us About The Future Now?

Pluto Re-enters Aquarius: Power and Transformation

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6 thoughts on “Here Comes Pluto In Aquarius”

    1. Pluto in Aquarius is already starting. Just read about what Elon Musk pulled. A U.S. judge just pulled his grifting finances out from under him.
      The corrupt billionaires are controlling us, and I’ll be gladly watching that heircachy crumble in the next few years!

      1. Thanks for pointing that out. And yes, it’s about time that there was a more equal share of wealth. Let’s hope that does transpire as Pluto enters Aquarius – power to the people!

    2. Do you mean you have 4° Aquarius on the cusp of the 11th house? If yes, there will be a shift for you but not straightaway. Pluto moves slowly and will only reach 4° Aquarius in 2026.

      1. I have a chart that was generated from a U.S. website that says I have Aquarius in my 11th house @4 degrees. I am unsure of cusps. Either way starting last Spring there was a big change in myself and friendships. it’s completely fine as I needed to change and when “we” change our surroundings do as well. Have a great February Sally. Take care 🙂

        1. And that would have been when Pluto first moved into Aquarius highlighting the new theme in your life. Astrology often plays out that way 🙂

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