Gemini Your Year Ahead 2015

violet planet

People will always say that you’re going the wrong way, 

when it’s simply a way of your own”

Angelina Jolie, actress, Sun Gemini (b. June 4 1975)


Gemini 2015 Year Ahead Summary

You’re in your element in 2015 for more than one reason. Jupiter in your communication sector means that your communication skills are in demand and your gift of the gab is your passport to success. Plus Mercury your ruling planet is hanging out in the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and this is more good news for you, your brainy side and your genius ideas. Use them or lose them.

Home and property matters dominate in the second half of the year and using your money wisely to improve your living situation helps you feel most secure. Community living, building your dream home or pooling family resources helps you build for the future.

Relationships have a serious edge too as Saturn, the get real planet, urges you to face facts and take a long hard look at what you want when it comes to love. Commitment isn’t something you accept lightly but it may be what you need nonetheless. Issues around coupling and uncoupling take precedence.

If you would like to read the whole of your 2015 stars, Your 2015 Stars Year Ahead eBook is available to purchase for only £10 – all 12 star signs, 3,500 words per sign. Click here to order.

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