Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
In a month when your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde, i.e. retreating through the zodiac, you can’t run before you walk. In fact, with Mercury on go slow until the 22nd this could be a month of stops and starts.
Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, the sign down at the base of your chart, so this represents your home and family, your past and where you come from and it’s these areas that appear unsettled. If you’re trying to move home or you’re involved in renovations or decorating, then don’t push too hard. Take the pace slow and be flexible and open to change.
There’s another reason why this month could turn out to be important for you with regard to your foundations, your security, your stability in life. This is because there are two powerful eclipses taking place which add to the unsettled planetary activity. Eclipses are game-changers and often bring what’s hidden to light.
On the 1st, there’s a solar or New Moon eclipse also in the sign of Virgo and on the 16th there’s a lunar or Full Moon eclipse cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac. So again the spotlight is on home and family affairs, potentially bringing dramatic activity, a turn of events. Nothing will be settled until Mercury turns direct on the 22nd and then you have a good chance of finding out what’s really going on.
Until that date, don’t jump to conclusions but also be aware that other people won’t necessarily do what you want or unexpected events will have a knock-on effect in your own life. The Saturn-Neptune square is especially powerful during the solar eclipse on the 1st and on the 10th.
This major planetary aspect has been a core theme of the year and links back to events last November 2015 and June 2016. This month’s meeting is the last square aspect and if you want to move on from a difficult situation, now’s the time. This might involve a close relationship, either personal or professional, as Saturn is in Sagittarius and your relationship sector and Neptune in Pisces lights up your career, your future path.
This does indicate that you’re at an important crossroads and as lucky Jupiter also leaves Virgo on the 9th, this hints at another reason why you’re ready to leave the past behind. Ideally don’t make any major decisions until your planet Mercury is back up to speed on the 22nd. Until that date you don’t have all the information at your fingertips and it’s wise to wait for the coast to clear before you take action.
Plus Mercury turns direct in a close trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn and your joint finance sector. So if you’re waiting on news regarding money, again the 22nd is the likely turning point. This is when you can power forward, sort out your finances, get what you want. Action planet Mars joins Pluto in Capricorn on the 27th and this is a go-getting time for money.
Relationships are definitely big news this month too and romance could sweep you off your feet. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, action planet Mars is in your opposite sign of Sagittarius ruling your 1-to-1 relationships until the 27th. Last month Mars was held back by Saturn but this month there are no obstacles in Mars’ path.
Mars adds passion to life and love although it can bring more arguments too. It depends on your current situation whether you’re quitting or committing but know that you need to engage fully with your love life, your personal relationships.
Plus love planet Venus is in Libra and your romance sector until the 23rd. This is a gorgeous placing for Venus and time to be open to love and to allow love in. Open your heart, be compassionate and giving. Seek out people in your life who are kind and caring. Move away from love that’s dispiriting or damages your soul.
Jupiter also enters Libra on the 9th and this is big news because Jupiter only changes signs approximately once a year. So you’re at the start of a period when love can flourish and the 26th is a key date to note when the Sun and Jupiter shine bright together. This is one of the best dates of the year.
Note too that Libra isn’t only about love and romance in your life. Libra rules children and pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment, luck and fun. It’s basically all the good things in life, what you create, give birth to. Plus Libra is a fellow air sign so Jupiter is in a positive aspect to Gemini, your own sign.
The focus now is on play rather than work, wanting an easy life rather than a hard slog. If the eclipses bring change to your current work, home or family situation, see whether you can take advantage and use this to sweep out what’s old and allow new energy in.
This is the plus side of eclipses although it only comes with hindsight. When you’re in the midst of turmoil or uncertainty, you can’t see any benefits at all. So take care of yourself this month and the ones you love. Be there for family but don’t let family take control of your life.
Look to your own happiness now and what you want more of in your life. Jupiter often requires a leap of faith, following your heart and doing what feels right rather than what you’re told or what you think you should be doing.
That’s the lesson that Jupiter is teaching you now and over the next few months. Events towards the end of September will reveal more and show you where fun, enjoyment and love are to be found.
Love,love,love your site,your the best, I always look forward to hearing from you. thanks again
Nan Boston,MA
Thank you Nancy 🙂 Lovely to hear.