Gemini November 2020

Mercury Direct

Your ruling planet Mercury turns direct on the 3rd. This is good news for you so listen out for information that comes to light as the month begins. What occurs could feel like a revelation, news that puts a spring in your step or a smile on your face.

Mercury turns direct in Libra, a fellow air sign. Most importantly, Libra rules all the good things in your life in your horoscope, like romance, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and fun.

As Mercury has been retrograde since October 14th, this is a time when you can start to make sense of any muddles or misunderstandings. Things become clear to you or you know what to say instinctively, what’s required or needed.

Love planet Venus is also in Libra until the 21st, a reminder to look on the bright side of life and actively seek enjoyment and fun. Look for the sweetness in life and be around those people who lift your spirits.

Mars Direct

Midmonth could bring a significant turning point for a friend or with regard to your involvement in a group. This is because action planet Mars turns direct in Aries and your friendship and group sector on the 14th.

Mars has been on go slow since September 9th. If you’ve been experiencing difficulties with any friends, mid-November is the time to actively sort things out.

This would also be a good time to make a clear decision about your involvement within a group. This may be related to politics, a club, society or organisation.

This doesn’t mean the end of your involvement or friendship as Mars remains in Aries until early January 2021. Yet, there’s a sense that you’re back in control and you can steer things in the direction you choose. Mars in Aries is great for joining a protest or flexing your activist muscle too.

Scorpio Season

Work and health are also under the cosmic spotlight this month. The Sun remains in Scorpio and your work and health sector until the 21st and Mercury, your planet, returns to Scorpio on the 10th.

There is a theme of second chances once Mercury is in Scorpio. Plus, this month’s New Moon falls in Scorpio on the 15th. The New Moon brings a chance for new beginnings. It’s the ideal time to start over with regard to work and health and the basics of life. Pare things back to the essentials.


During this busy mid month period, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on the 12th falls in Capricorn and your joint finance sector.

This reflects back to the first two conjunctions of these powerful planets on April 5th and June 30th. These planets are linked to big power or wealth. Yet, Pluto is the planet of extremes so there are no guarantees.

Certainly, mid-November is the time to pay close attention to your finances. Play big, get the right experts on your side and deal with money matters head-on.

Lunar Eclipse

Finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 30th falls in your star sign Gemini. This important eclipse links back to events in June of this year.

This new eclipse cycle cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac highlights relationships in your life, also your own identity. It lasts until December 2021.

Eclipses can coincide with drama. This is where there’s intensity in your life and it’s wise to pay close attention to what is or what is not happening.

Listen carefully to your emotions during the Full Moon phase and act on your instincts. Ideally, wait a few days after the actual eclipse before making any decisions and notice who walks into your life.

2 thoughts on “Gemini November 2020”

    1. Thank you, Amanda 🙂 It’s always lovely to hear – it makes my work so much more fulfilling – appreciated 🙂

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