As the month begins the Sun is down at the base of your chart in the earth sign Virgo. This puts the spotlight on your home, family, your past and where you come from.
These themes may well have been dominating your life for the last two weeks in August when your ruler Mercury was in Virgo, plus on August 25th there was a New Moon in Virgo suggesting it’s these areas of your life that benefit now from new energy and making a fresh start.
In addition, Venus, the planet of love, art and beauty, is also in Virgo this month from the 5th-29th. This is literally about getting your house in order, whether you’re renovating, moving, doing DIY or you have family relations to sort out. It’s not advisable to bypass anything that requires your attention on the domestic front and in fact you have a lot working in your favour which suggests that you can make progress and get a lot done.
Being a Gemini and ruled by flighty Mercury, you’re not always that happy when you have to deal with the more serious side of life whether that’s the necessity of earning a living, sorting out your finances or dealing with home and family issues. It can feel a bit boring and mundane but pay attention now and you’ll reap the benefits in the future.
The 3rd and 14th are brilliant dates to tackle anything of a financial nature, whether tax-related, talking to the bank or looking again at your financial ties. The Sun in Virgo teams up with Pluto in Capricorn on the 3rd and Venus in Virgo does the same on the 14th so think transformation. How can you make the most of your money or wave your magic wand to sort out a debt or make a threat go away? Pluto can be a powerful instigator when it’s used positively and there’s often a little magic involved in the way you turn your situation around.
Work too benefits from a reliable steady attitude and the 11th and 21st are the dates to note when first the Sun and then Venus in Virgo team up with Saturn in Scorpio again in a helpful aspect. Knuckle down, work hard and complete what you started. There’s a ‘don’t give up feel’ about these planetary aspects and if you put in the hard work you will be rewarded.
At times you may feel a little disillusioned with your lot especially on or around the 10th or 22nd when Neptune dominates the heavens. Neptune is currently in Pisces up at the top of your chart and as this is an intangible planet you may find it harder than usual to turn your work dreams into reality.
Neptune shifts and flows but rarely stands still and this is a planet that is boundless. Yes, it’s great for imagination and creativity but without some concrete plans in place, it’s a thankless task trying to achieve your goals. So do deal with the basics now even if the bigger picture remains elusive. Think one step at a time and do your best to remain steady and stable.
There’s also the important matter of relationships as events happen swiftly when it comes to love or your significant 1-to-1’s. Your ruler Mercury spends most of September in your fellow air sign of Libra which feels playful and fun. Libra rules love affairs and new love rather than a more permanent love situation and with Jupiter your partner planet currently in Leo and your communication sector, this is flirtatious and chatty.
If you want to meet someone new, here’s your chance but a word of warning: don’t repeat a pattern from the past and if there’s an issue around money or friendship, stay away or expect fireworks from the 9th-13th. Mercury in Libra enjoys peaceable relationships and doesn’t want to be embroiled in any relationship drama.
That may be tricky however as this is a volatile month for love due to Mars, the passion planet, moving into your relationship sector on the 13th. This brings excitement and energy to love but also more passionate arguments. If you want to be bold and daring and wear your heart on your sleeve go for it but be prepared to accept the consequences if you charge into a relationship without thinking ahead.
Plus there’s the issue of Neptune again as on the 10th, Neptune opposes Venus and on the 22nd, Neptune squares Mars. These are the love and sex planets; the female and male principles and often when Neptune is in play you can’t easily see the reality of your situation. Romance takes hold and if you’re swept away on a wave of possibility and feel-good energy, it’s easy to ignore or dismiss the facts and try and pretend everything is rosy when that may not be the case.
So keep your wits about you when Neptune’s energy is strong and use Jupiter’s magnificence in Leo to communicate honestly and openly. Yes, you can have a wonderful relationship now but you have to be upfront with each other rather than pay homage to an illusion.
This is a fast and furious month for relationships in general and it’s through your interaction with other people that you find inspiration and a chance to have a good time. Be spontaneous and initiate new conversations. Use your natural curiosity to find out more about the people you work with or encounter in your day-to-day routine.
More specifically it’s via new or old friends that something special happens and this is most likely in the last week of September when there’s not only a New Moon in Libra, a brilliant day for a date or meeting someone new, but Jupiter and Uranus connect in the heavens. These two planets together are about believing in the impossible and going that extra mile to live your life as fully as possible. Say ‘yes’ to whatever new opportunity comes your way and do something wild, fun, crazy or different.