Gemini Monthly Stars May 2015

Gemini Zodiac StampGemini (21 May – 20 June)

There’s a good news, bad news theme going on this month. The good news is that you’re the sign of the moment as there is a lot of action in Gemini. This is where you find Venus, the planet of love, as the month begins. However, Venus only remains in Gemini for one week before changing signs on the 7th.

Whilst Venus is in Gemini, pamper yourself, treat yourself, do more of what you love. When Venus is in your sign it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on your appearance. Venus rules beauty and with Venus in your sign, when you look good you feel good.

The other key planet that enters Gemini on the 1st is Mercury, your ruling planet. Mercury is the planet of communication and is at home in your sign. Mercury in Gemini symbolises dexterity, movement, wit and repartee. It’s a quick moving, fleet-footed symbol and the pace of life changes from slow to quick.

Mercury remains in Gemini until July 8th which tells you that we are about to enter a Mercury retrograde phase. Once Mercury is retrograde or on go slow, you hit reverse motion and you can’t make fast progress as hard as you might try. Mercury turns retrograde on the 19th and remains on go slow until June 11th.

Plus, two more planets enter your sign this month. Mars (action) enters Gemini on the 12th and the Sun (identity) enters Gemini on the 21st. So there’s strong focus on your sign and it’s time to consider your personal goals and ambitions. Yet this isn’t a straightforward process and there are a couple of reasons for this.

Firstly, Mercury clashes with the Saturn-Neptune square, which is a key theme in 2015. The Sun and Mars also clash with these two big-hitters during May. Saturn is currently in Sagittarius your opposite sign and this puts the focus on your relationships, your one-to-one interactions. Saturn can expose your limitations, it’s where you are up against obstacles and it often indicates the area of your chart where you have to work hard.

With Saturn in your opposite sign, this can be crunch time for a relationship or you’re faced with a difficult decision. In basic terms, Saturn asks you to commit or quit and being a flighty Gemini, commitment can be extra hard for you. The Mercury-Saturn opposition takes place on the 3rd over the Bank Holiday weekend in the UK.

This could be the first indication of who you’re up against and Saturn in Sagittarius can indicate an opponent or competitor. In fact, this is where your major challenge lies this month, whether you’re up against the authorities or being opposed by someone who won’t let you get your own way. This is especially tricky because with so many planets in your sign of Gemini, you’re keen to push ahead.

Yet timing is the key. Set new ideas and plans in motion before Mercury turns retrograde on the 19th but after that slow down the pace and wait and see what occurs when Mercury turns direct mid-June. Mercury retrograde is never the time to make a major decision. It indicates you have to play a waiting game and this month’s stars confirm that on some level at least you don’t have all the control. Other people will have their say in your affairs.

There is one other factor that suggests you’re wise to go with the flow. This is the planet Neptune which squares Mercury not once but three times. The first connection is on the 9th, the second is on the 27th and the third and final connection is next month on June 23rd.

Neptune is currently at the top of your chart in the sign of Pisces ruling your career, your vocation, your status and reputation. The next two months are potentially a soul-searching time for you when you’re likely to be questioning your direction in life. Neptune by square aspect can bring confusion and for some, this means feeling disillusioned with the current state of your career.

The best way to use this whole period is to consider it a time of exploration. Let yourself dream, use your imagination to tap into your creative source and ponder where you want to be heading and why. As much as you would like to crack on, this may not be possible right now although that shouldn’t stop you sowing seeds and putting out feelers to gain new information and knowledge.

Beware of taking too much notice of other peoples’ thoughts and opinions. This might actually have the reverse effect of bamboozling you, leaving you feeling unsure. For now this is about you and your own thought processes. As much as you would like to pick up the pace and speed forward, give yourself plenty of time to ponder and reflect on life.

You might find that life steps in and points you in a new direction, ready or not. The Full Moon on the 4th falls in Scorpio, the sign that rules your work, lifestyle and health. This is as much about looking after yourself as it is about work. It’s about ensuring that the work/life balance tilts in your favour.

Plus, the New Moon on the 18th is in laid-back Taurus and an indication that some rest and relaxation will do wonders for your soul whilst you’re pondering what next. It’s a big month all in all and one that will undoubtedly reorient the next stage in your life. You have some big decisions to make but bide your time whilst Mercury’s on go slow and don’t rush the process.

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1 thought on “Gemini Monthly Stars May 2015”

  1. Sally thank you again for great insights for May. Its scary…… but that’s life and whether i like it or not, have to accept it..:-)) Faithful follower Elizabeth

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