As March begins, your ruling planet Mercury remains in your fellow air sign of Aquarius where it’s been since January 5th.
Mercury is a quick-moving planet and usually whizzes through one sign of the zodiac in a couple of weeks. Yet, Mercury is known as the trickster planet and three times a year, Mercury gives the illusion of moving backwards in the heavens.
This is what’s been happening in your chart since the start of 2015 and Aquarius is the sign that rules travel, study and expansion in your chart. You might find that plans finally come together this month whether you book a trip away or sign up for a course. There’s a possibility too that you want to revisit somewhere or something that you first discovered at the beginning of the year. You’re ready to go back and try again in some shape or form.
The start of this month is buzzing with activity and it’s via your friends and new connections that you can find adventure and grasp new experiences. The sector of your chart that rules friends, groups, your social network and wider society is full of activity and it’s through other people that new opportunities come your way thick and fast.
In particular note what happens or occurs on or around the 3rd of the month when there’s a stunning Jupiter-Uranus trine. This is the second of three planetary aspects that are currently dominating the heavens. The first aspect took place on September 25th 2014 and the third aspect will take place on June 22nd 2015. This is the middle one.
These two planets were sky Gods in mythology and represent space and freedom. They pick up the sociable, people sectors of your chart so this suggests that inspiration and new ideas comes through other people. Look out for a spontaneous invitation or a brilliant brainwave and don’t think twice if someone asks you to join them on a trip, talk or any new activity.
This is good news too if you have a message you want to spread, if you’re involved in promotion, sales or marketing. Jupiter and Uranus together are entrepreneurial, so use the internet and social media to good effect and expand your reach. Your network and ideas can grow quickly and before you know it, you’ve reached a global audience. Have fun but consider the bigger picture too and actively engage with a cause, a charity or anything you feel strongly about. If you wish to teach or try public speaking, here’s your opportunity.
Jupiter and Uranus are brilliant for risk-taking and changing direction quickly. Being a Gemini, you often enjoy life best when it’s busy and varied and you’re seeking out what’s new and different. You don’t want to be tied down in life now and this can make things difficult if you’re in a steady relationship or married and you feel the call of the wild. Hopefully you have the kind of relationship whereby you can nurture your own friendships and enjoy independent activities as well as spend quality time together.
Love and friendship are currently linked so if you’re looking for love, someone special might be under your nose. Yet when it comes to love, it’s important not to repeat the mistakes of the past and this is a volatile period to get together with someone from your past, an ex or old lover. If someone seeks you out from your past, think carefully before you reconnect.
This month the Uranus-Pluto square is active once more and this time it’s the 7th and final aspect which takes place on March 17th. Yet the whole period up until this date smacks of a similar theme; letting go of elements of your past that are no longer helpful or supportive so consider carefully who you want in your life, who’s good for you and who’s not. This is most likely to ring true for you with regard to friends, groups or social concerns. Be around people who are positive and supportive, ditch the naysayers and avoid anyone who’s a bad influence.
This month is also a huge month for you, your career and your vocation in life. In fact for some of you the events of this month could turn out to be a major turning point. Listen up on the 5th when there’s a Full Moon cutting across the foundations of your chart. This is a time when emotions are heightened and you see your situation clearly. You might find you’re being pulled between work and home, your personal life and your professional life. Trying to get the balance right is all-important now.
The real shift however comes later on in March when Mercury, your ruler, enters Pisces and your career sector on the 13th and connects with the Saturn/Neptune square on the 16th and 18th of the month. If you’re feeling disillusioned with your current career path, you might find you hit a brick wall around the middle of the month. Either you’re unable to continue with your chosen path or you simply realise that you’re on the wrong path.
Alternatively, you might have to push really hard now to get what you want and fight for your position. On the 20th, the day of the equinox when the earth tilts on its axis and the seasons shift, there’s a powerful Solar Eclipse in Pisces, up at the top of your chart. This is an important eclipse as it falls at 29 Pisces, the last degree of the zodiac. So even though a solar eclipse is effectively a New Moon indicating new beginnings. there’s also an ending surrounding this eclipse. Symbolically you have to close one door completely before you can open a new door.
Eclipses can be dramatic as they often bring what’s hidden to light. This indicates external events that have a knock-on effect in your own life, perhaps involving your partner or someone you work with closely. Or it involves your own truth and being honest about where your interests lie. Tradition states you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action.
Look out for a new signpost that guides you and if you already know this is likely to be a big month for you career wise, then get ready to take action. Once you see your situation clearly then you can make some key decisions which will set you on a new and exciting path. It feels as if it’s ‘all change’ as a new direction in life opens up for you.